
E&E Developments

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During the development of Lemmings on the C64, E&E were to work on a conversion of the Gremlin classic ‘Zool’

At first it was all about trying to find a publisher to take on the game. Gremlin at first showed initial interest in taking it, but quickly decided against it when they decided to move out of the C64 market.

After such an impressive conversion of Lemmings, maybe Zool could have also been something to ram down 16-bit users throats. And of course, Zool did make successful ports to the Master System 8-bit, so who knows?

Well, sadly we can confirm that Zool was never started by E&E on the C64, and Remi Ebus confirms this. Not even a single sprite was created. So Zool is merely a planned title which could have got started.

It is unknown who would have developed the game, but its likely that the Lemmings developers would have handled the game.

Zool sadly bites the dust, and so this game case is closed…

Contributions: Remi Ebus, Andrew Fisher

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Creator speaks

Remi Ebus about work on Zool...

"Zool has never seen any development from us.

Though Gremlin Interactive had some interest at first, they quickly pulled the plug after their marketing department saw no bread in the C64."

Remi Ebus .

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