Zyborian Terror


Status: No Download, Findability: 1/5

A quick entry for a game which was flagged up by Peter Weighill whilst doing some research.

Zyborian Terror was a game briefly advertised in the likes of Your 64 and Commodore Computing International in 1984, under the main advert of a cricket game called Hit and Run.

All we know is that the game was an adventure – and we assume a text adventure game.

The game was for sale at £7.50 on cassette and seemed to only be available via mail order from a company called Bytewell.

We are not sure if any copies actually sold at all, or if this game is actually unreleased. It is clear however that the game is not yet preserved, and another on the list for us to try and track down! Can you help?

Contributions: Peter Weighill

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