Welcome to Games That Weren't!

We are an Cancelled & Unreleased Video games archive with prototypes, developer history and assets for many computers and consoles of all ages. A non-profit large archive dedicated to preserving lost games that were never released to the public. Sharing history and stories from the developers, assets and more before it is too late. GTW has been preserving lost video game history online since 1999, and long before that offline.

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Puggsy 2

1994 Psygnosis

Platform: SEGA Mega Drive

Please note that this is just a quick placeholder post, where we have split up an old post which flagged up 3 entries. The original text that follows is from our old team member Alex Ross-Shaw in 2012. No doubt there have been further discoveries since. We’ll try and update this page with any links to resources at a later date – or please feel free to leave any suggestions in the comments and we’ll update as we go.

Puggsy was an innovative little platformer released by Psygnosis on the Mega Drive in 1993 and the Amiga a year later. A sequel was promised at the time according to Wikipedia but nothing ever came of it, probably due to poor sales of the original, even though it’s highly thought of.

A search online gives no details at all of a possible sequel, and of course Wikipedia isn’t the most reliable of sources but given the positive reputation of the game it would make sense that they wanted to give the franchise another go.

At the end of the first game and just before the credits, it says “Watch out for Puggsy Part II Coming Soon”. Was this just a joke, or was it serious that a sequel was on the cards?

We’ve contacted the company Jon Burton set up, Traveller’s Tales, who produced Puggsy for Psygnosis, to see if we can chat to him and ask a few questions. Beyond that however the trail is completely cold. Any ideas?

With thanks to Fever for the suggestion of breaking up into a separate entry and Adam Markey for the extra info.

Posted in: Mega Drive / Genesis, Reviews | Tagged: | 2 Comments

Sonic 3 (V1)

1994 SEGA

Platform: SEGA Mega Drive

Please note that this is just a quick placeholder post, where we have split up an old post which flagged up 3 entries. The original text that follows is from our old team member Alex Ross-Shaw in 2012. No doubt there have been further discoveries since. We’ll try and update this page with any links to resources at a later date – or please feel free to leave any suggestions in the comments and we’ll update as we go.

Of course Sonic 3 wasn’t an unreleased Mega Drive game, and it went on to become one of the top ten best selling games released on the system. However, budgetary and scheduling issues meant several planned levels had to be cut from the game.

Presumably these were at least in a state of near-completion when they were canned and given the stature of the series you would hope that something remains of these unreleased levels. Yuji Naka was part of the Sonic Team that produced all the Megadrive Sonic games and we’ve tried to get in touch but had no luck so far.

Due to the high profile of Sonic it’s possible, perhaps even probable, that Sega and anyone who still owns the copyright to Sonic 3 that there would be reticence to release unreleased material into the public domain, but it would be nice to see it archived publicly for posterity given the importance of the blue hedgehog to gaming history.

With thanks to Fever for the suggestion of breaking up into a separate entry.

Posted in: Mega Drive / Genesis, Prototype, Unused materials | Tagged: | Leave a comment

Die Hard 2: Die Harder

1992 Grandslam

Platform: SEGA Master System

By the early 1990s, games based on movies were extremely popular – but there were a *lot* of duff titles in the mix. Die Hard 2 could well be considered to be among that list, though Grandslam were putting a lot of faith in the licence, with conversions to most major platforms – including a conversion to the SEGA Master System.


Grandslam had just recently got their break on the platform with the release of The Flintstones, so Master System owners could also ensure the pain of having to paint a wall for fun like I once did on the C64. Tiertex had converted that one for them, and they would also be entrusted with doing Die Hard 2 – of which they had carried out developments for the other platforms too. Continue reading

Posted in: Reviews, SEGA Master System | Tagged: | Leave a comment

GTW64 July 2024 update

Apologies all – its a very small GTW64 update this month, as my Dad sadly passed away at the beginning of the month. As a result, i’ve been busy making funeral arrangements and sorting out bits and pieces.

Normal service will hopefully start to resume from next week onwards and for next month. Thank you everyone for your support!

1 new entry added


Memory Man

4 updates added

ArthurBorn In SpaceChinese Juggler V1Game Maker

Dedicated to my Dad – Charlie Gasking (27/06/37 – 03/07/24)

Posted in: GTW64 news, Reviews | 4 Comments

Rogue Trooper

2006 Unknown

Platform: Mobile J2ME

A short entry for a Java Platform mobile de-make of Rogue Trooper, 3rd person shooter game that was released on many platforms of the time in 2006. The game of course was based upon the 2000 AD comic.

rogue large

In 2024, ex-Ocean Software artist Bill Harbison would provide Games That Weren’t with a series of mock-up screens that were produced to show how the game could look on the platform, depicting an early look at a potential version of the game for a far more limited platform. Continue reading

Posted in: Reviews | 1 Comment

The Ravaging

1999-2000 Pukka Games

Platform: PC

The Ravaging was a third person PC action adventure game that was being developed by Pukka Games between 1999-2000, where you controlled an angel from hell. According to “10ahu” from an old ASSEMBLERgames.org thread (who we assume worked on the game), it was an action title which was worked on by a tiny studio of great people.


10ahu had found the demo rotting away on a CD from back in the day, which had other assets and video files that sadly got corrupted. The part of the disk with the demo was fortunately still working though. Within the demo folder were also a series of development notes about how to run and control the game.

Everything was first highlighted to us by LiqMat(rix), who had got a copy of the demo from the old thread. He had managed to get the demo working on modern hardware and offered to share a video he was producing to showcase how the game looked. Continue reading

Posted in: PC, Reviews | Tagged: | Leave a comment

GTW64 June 2024 update

Now in the middle of 2024, a bit of a slow down with new entries with just the one (a second Gremlins adventure game), but also 18 updates to pre-existing entries (check the “History” tab for each for more details), including some major findings on EastEnders (sadly not good news!).

1 new entries added

Gremlins: Part 2

18 updates added

Alien Vs PredatorArthurBeat Em UpCorporate RaiderEastEndersElerooGalencia Khaos SphereGremlinsGunboatInside TraderMaximum RetaliationParanoid PeteSpace RaiderSplish SplashSquad OneStargateSword Of The SamuraiVietnam Gunboat

See you all next month!

Posted in: GTW64 news, News | 2 Comments

The Godfather

1991-1992 U.S. Gold

Platforms: SEGA Master System + Game Gear, SEGA Mega Drive, Commodore Amiga (Adventure), Atari ST (Adventure), PC (Adventure)

Recently, there has been a call to expand our SEGA Master System entries within the archive. Intrigued by a longstanding mystery, I set out to uncover details that might shed light on the unreleased version of The Godfather for that platform. Additionally, we explore the unreleased Mega Drive edition and the lost adventure games planned for 16-bit home computers of the era.

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A rare glimpse of The Godfather on the SEGA Master System.

During the production of the third and final film in The Godfather trilogy, U.S. Gold obtained the license to develop a game based on the series. They decided to pursue two separate game developments: an arcade action game and a graphic adventure game, aiming to fully capitalize on the franchise.
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Posted in: Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Mega Drive / Genesis, PC, Reviews, SEGA Game Gear, SEGA Master System | Tagged: | 8 Comments

Dark Mission

1994 GKS Design

Platforms: Commodore Amiga and PC

Dark Mission was to be the first offering from GKS Design, a new group dedicated to Amiga gaming and created back in 1994 by students Stephen Haunts and Chris Rundell. They were based within Milton Keynes and also had someone called Kevin Kennard involved, helping with sales and information.

darkmission shot7

The game itself was an Aliens-style isometric adventure where you explore a hostile space-station, killing aliens and completing four missions in total. It seems you would move your character around the screen using a mouse, and be able to click and interact with different items within each room (similar to the SCUMM engine games).

In the game, you only control one person, and you have to solve a series of problems whilst avoiding/killing aliens along the way. Interestingly, your use of gun fire can destroy surrounding items and objects, so you’d need to be careful about destroying objects that would be usable to complete a puzzle. Continue reading

Posted in: Commodore Amiga, PC, Reviews | Tagged: | Leave a comment

Alien VS Predator: Nightmare on Ryushi

1993 Activision

Platform: PC DOS (Possibly Amiga TBC)

Alien VS Predator has been somewhat of a mystery ever since its early announcements from Activision in the likes of Commodore Format and other magazines. We have long had a page regarding a possible C64 development, but this has only been because news featured in C64 format magazines.

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It wasn’t until a little while later that we saw a beat-em-up console release, with an unreleased Mega Drive edition. Then of course, Rebellion would eventually go on to do the famous Jaguar game of the same name (which had a Lynx version that never saw the light of day) and then Aliens Vs Predator, which saw PlayStation, Jaguar CD and Saturn versions never released.

But what of this very early Activision development, and did it ever get beyond initial announcements? Well, yes it did and it looks as if it got pretty far too. On the AVP Galaxy forums back in 2010, Shinigami1016 reported that he had found reference to the game in a small catalogue of Activision titles due for 1993, eventually digging out a scan to share. Continue reading

Posted in: Commodore Amiga, PC, Reviews | Tagged: , | 4 Comments