Welcome to Games That Weren't!

We are an Cancelled & Unreleased Video games archive with prototypes, developer history and assets for many computers and consoles of all ages. A non-profit large archive dedicated to preserving lost games that were never released to the public. Sharing history and stories from the developers, assets and more before it is too late. GTW has been preserving lost video game history online since 1999, and long before that offline.

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Free D.C!

1991 U.S. Gold

Platform: Commodore Amiga

A short entry for now on what was to be an Amiga conversion of a DOS title from back in 1991 from Cineplay Interactive.

Set on Earth, where robots are now in control and where all remaining humans are kept in a Zoo. The game was a mystery solving title, where you have to solve a series of killings that have been happening.  It’s an adventure game, where you must have conversations with other characters to obtain clues. Continue reading

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1989 MikroBitti Magazine

Platform: Atari ST

A slightly unusual post now, for a title that wasn’t really a game – but then almost turned into one!

Illuminatus was news to me, until I heard from contributor Janne Sirén, who highlighted this fictional game that was once reviewed as an April Fools joke for Finland’s gaming magazine Mikrobitti in 1989. It was perhaps similar to what Zzap!64 did with Mindsmear.

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Janne has essentially provided most of the text and information which you will read here, which has been invaluable for putting this page together.

Illuminatus was an Elite style trading game, which caused quite a bit of a stir back in the day, because for many weeks/months – people felt the game was real. It even appeared in printed mail order advertisements in later issues of MikroBitti (where traders even fell for it). Distributors would call the magazine, asking how to get hold of the game and many readers were desperate to find a copy in the shops. Continue reading

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GTW64 October 2022 update

Autumn has well and truly drawn in, and the updates for Games That Weren’t 64 continue where possible. This time we present 7 new entries, and 9 updates overall to various titles.

A big chunk of additions include many titles that were planned for the Commodore MAX platform – which was the precursor to the C64. If the titles can ever be found, then they should be adaptable to work on the C64. There’s also the finding of a more complete demo of Lemmings V1.

Enjoy, and see you all next month hopefully!

7 new entries added

Air BattleChallengerCosmaxGo Sets GoGreenhouse (MAX edition)Pirate AttackSub Hunt

9 updates added

3 Days In Carpathia9 Lives Of Fritz The CatArcadianArmalyte 2ExorcistGem-X 2Jimmy’s Grand PrixLemmings V1Pushover64

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George A Sisyphean Drama

1992 Marcus Hamilton

Platforms: Commodore Amiga, PC and Atari ST

A bizarre name for an intriguing puzzle game that was due for release on the Amiga, ST and PC platforms back in 1992. Not much is currently known about the game, and it was only seemingly previewed in Joystick magazine in October 1992.

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In the magazine article, the story goes that Sisyphus, who offended the Gods, was condemned for eternity eternity to roll stones up a mountain just to see them tumble and to start over and over again (a very severe punishment! ). Millennia have passed and men have forgotten Sisyphus and the warning he exemplified. The Gods are therefore again very angry and decide to appoint a new Sisyphus. Continue reading

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Return of the Tiger

1992 Gremlin

Platforms: Commodore Amiga, Nintendo Game Boy (+ potentially others)

Tucked away in a news page in Commodore User magazine was a snippet that talks about Gremlin being set to update an old 8-bit classic – The Way Of The Tiger. Once again casting the player as a fighting hero who must participate in a number of events.

Nothing else was really mentioned and the line went dead at this point. Continue reading

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Hatchbacks of Doom

2001 Delsyd Software

Platform: AmigaOne

Initially there were big plans with Delsyd Software, with a team of 8 people, a hope to develop a host of new software for the Commodore Amiga during some dark days. When the team moved onto pastures new, Chris Kelley was left to try and keep things going himself.

In February 2001, Chris started rewriting a 3D engine he had been working on, and repurposed with creating a vehicular combat game. Chris and his friends were big Twisted Metal fans, and so Hatchbacks of Doom was born. The target platform was the AmigaOne.

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By April 2001, the engine was about half finished, and Chris was interviewed about the game in Amiga Active in May 2001. Here he tells readers that Hatchbacks of Doom was set in the very near future (scarily probably set today!), where there is a problem with cities are expanding all over the world and downtown areas are dying. Continue reading

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Impossible Mission 2025

1994 Microprose

Platforms: Super Nintendo, SEGA Mega Drive

Also known as “Impossible Mission: The 90s Remix”, Impossible Mission 2025 was to be an enhanced version of the classic 1984 Commodore 64 platformer from Epyx. Not only featuring a whole new game, but the entire 8-bit original as a bonus extra.

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The new version would however feature the ability to select from 3 different characters, have power ups, multiple sub-games, end-of-level baddies and cut scenes. Continue reading

Posted in: Mega Drive / Genesis, Reviews, Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) | Tagged: | 4 Comments

Walker unused assets

A very short post to flag up some unused assets that were intended for the Psygnosis classic – Walker,  thanks to Karl Kuras for highlighting.

Tucked away in a Work In Progress feature within The One magazine (issue 47), screens are shown from the upcoming game that we all know and love. However, a number of screens show scenes where you actually leave the Walker cockpit and descend underground into the enemies’ secret base.


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Posted in: Commodore Amiga, Unused materials | Tagged: | 1 Comment

Unreleased Spectrum Codemasters games

Thanks to The Dizzy Fansite, we have learnt of three new unreleased ZX Spectrum games that were intended for release by Codemasters back in the day.

Two were complete, called Alea (created in 1987) and Hovercar Simulator (1989/91), with another called Eros (1988) which was not complete and in its early stages.

HovercarSimulator 2

The games were created by friends José Oliveira and Ricardo Silva (under the label of Computer Weekend), who wanted to get the titles released into the British market. Their confidence in publication saw the Codemasters logo within their loading screens, even though no deals had been signed. Continue reading

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GTW64 September 2022 update

As the summer draws to a close, we present 4 new entries, and 17 updates overall to various titles. We’ve added a new entry for Visualize’s Kung-Fu Warrior, which oddly we haven’t added until now. A strange C64 conversion of a C16 classic that had limited release in Spain and a number of tidy ups for many titles.

4 new entries added

Amphora of the Star GodExorcistKung-Fu WarriorPepe’s Garden

17 updates added

Absolute BeginningAndy Rixon GameAquablastAutoguardBrainBreakIce AgeLethal XcessLiberationLittle BeauLiverpool V1Nigel Mansell’s Grand PrixQuo VadisQuondamRastan V1, The Magic Roundabout, Tunes n TriviaXybots

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