Welcome to Games That Weren't!

We are an Cancelled & Unreleased Video games archive with prototypes, developer history and assets for many computers and consoles of all ages. A non-profit large archive dedicated to preserving lost games that were never released to the public. Sharing history and stories from the developers, assets and more before it is too late. GTW has been preserving lost video game history online since 1999, and long before that offline.

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GTW64 May 2022 update

For May 2022 we have the following 6 new additions and updates for the site, including a number of new entries and preservations over the past month. Also details of another Shadow of the Beast conversion that was under way and various tidy ups and additions for 33 pre-existing entries. Enjoy!

6 new entries added

Harold V1McMurphy’s MansionPlayWriter seriesRabbitJack’s CasinoShadow of the Beast V1Silvia

33 updates added

2400 A.D.Alien gameBatman ReturnsBee 52Bible Research Systems titlesBob’s Full House V1CJ In SpaceCJ’s 4th AdventureChopsDefensiveDouble Dragon V1Educational Activities, Inc. titlesFormula 1 SimulatorFormule 1Gravity XHard Drivin’ V1K-TEK Software titlesKarnov V1Kick Your BrainLOGO-Logic 1 and 2MegatanoïMicro Application titlesNigel Mansell’s Grand PrixNuclear Sub CommandPhoenix LairRace Drivin’Sprites Software titlesStreet Fighter 2 V1TetrixTruccZamzara V1ZgadulaZynon

Posted in: GTW64 news, News | 2 Comments


1998 Insanity

Platform: Amiga 1200

A very impressive first person development for the Amiga 1200 from 1998, which was heavily inspired by titles such as Quake.

The game was being developed by Czech developers Insanity, and wasn’t to be your usual FPS, but had an extra element where you had to gain experience to be better in combat. You had to earn and save money to buy weapons and build yourself up.


Within the game, you would have to complete a set of different missions as you progressed through the levels. Continue reading

Posted in: Commodore Amiga, Reviews | Tagged: | 2 Comments

Mega lo Mania 2

1992 Sensible Software

Platform: Commodore Amiga

A sequel to Mega lo Mania was on the cards as early as when the first game was still being written according to Jon Hare in Amiga Power magazine. When the release of the first game was such a huge success, the publishers were keen to see a sequel.


Developed by David (Ubik) Korn, originally the sequel was to be released under Mirrorsoft’s Imageworks label, but was reported to be looking for a new home by Amiga Power issue 10’s news page after the collapse of the company. David would write a diary for Amiga Power about the game’s progress. Continue reading

Posted in: Commodore Amiga, Reviews | Tagged: | 1 Comment

More C64 titles preserved

Thanks to the amazing efforts of contributor Allan Pinkerton, two more unpreserved C64 titles have now been preserved in the form of the final missing Playwriter title – Castles and Creatures (which goes now with the other titles preserved in April), but also a previously unknown title from Micro Learn called Myths, Magic and Monsters.

Allan has scanned in all the materials and also preserved the disks, which you can download below. Many thanks to Allan Pinkerton for his hard work and dedication to see these titles preserved.

Posted in: Commodore 64 (C64), GTW64 news, News | Leave a comment

The Hand of St James

1992 Impressions

Platform: Atari ST, PC and Commodore Amiga

“A game of murder, intrigue and adventure, in which nobody can be trusted in the abbey, a monk is dead and the sacred relic has been stolen. It’s up to you to find out who is responsible.”


Well, that’s all well and good – but it seems no one had the opportunity to find out, with this intriguing point and click adventure game that was promised back in 1992 from Impressions. Continue reading

Posted in: Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, PC, Reviews | Tagged: | 5 Comments

Quick note to all

Hi all – just a heads up that I may not get to process any site comments or submissions right away, as a close family member has been admitted to hospital.

I’ll try and respond and update as soon as I can, including adding some more updates to the site over time. Apologies for any delays in getting back to you and wishing you all the best!


Posted in: GTW64 news, News | 6 Comments


1997 Unknown

Platform: Commodore Amiga 1200

An adventure game from Germany that would be inspired by titles such as Myst, Secrets of the Luxor and Monkey Island.


Not much is known apart from some brief text from Polish magazine ACS, which described the plot as being based on a science fiction story. The graphics in the game were to be all rendered with video sequences and ray tracing (at the time they were being hand-drawn) and as a result the game was to be released on CD. Continue reading

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GTW64 April 2022 update

For April 2022 we have the following new additions and updates for the site, including yet another unfinished Tetris game that has been recovered. A large chunk of new entries are for titles which may have been released, but have not yet been digitally preserved and made available in places such as Gamebase64.

Tetrix and TV Foci previews recovered

Yet another Hungarian Tetris clone and a very early pong demo that has been recovered thanks to Csaba Virag.

Tetrix, TV Foci

12 other new entries added

Bible Research Systems titlesDaybreak Software titlesEducational Activities, Inc. titlesK-TEK Software titlesLOGO-Logic 1, Journalist, Micro Application titlesSprites Software titlesSunburst Communications titlesTetrisUnknown RPGVapour

26 updates added

Bak PakkerBall-JobCaptain AmericaChampionship Golf at Pebbles BeachCovermount casualtiesCyclone DuelDefensiveEdward RandyFlashbackFormule 1GremlinsI Of The MaskIron MaidenKarnov V1Last Ninja V1Mumbles – SuperspyPlayWriter seriesPyramid Of TimeRainbow BombRazzmatazzRings Of Medusa 2Stargate LegacyStarsatTop-Hole GolfWarriors

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Jekyll and Hyde

1992 Palace Software

Platform: Commodore Amiga CDTV

An ambitious title from Palace Software, which was due for release on the failed CDTV platform. An interactive movie game, where scenes would feature proper actors.

Shortly after completing Demoniak, Palace Software were inspired from that title to go one step further to move away from text based interaction and move to a fully graphical experience.


The idea was to do a game on the famous Jekyll and Hyde, and the team would spend 9 months or so experimenting with digitised live action using a Rombo VIDI-Amiga system. The experiments were successful, leading to continue development and push ahead with the title. Continue reading

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