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We are an Cancelled & Unreleased Video games archive with prototypes, developer history and assets for many computers and consoles of all ages. A non-profit large archive dedicated to preserving lost games that were never released to the public. Sharing history and stories from the developers, assets and more before it is too late. GTW has been preserving lost video game history online since 1999, and long before that offline.

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Gyruss C64 prototype

1984 Parker Brothers

Platform: Commodore 64

Not quite a GTW64 entry, but an earlier build of the released Gyruss (a brilliant Konami arcade conversion) for the C64 – recovered thanks to preservationist Ken Van Mersbergen.

This prototype dated 2nd May 1984 was found within the collection of disks/materials from the archive of a retired programmer who used to work for Roklan and On-Time Software.

There doesn’t seem to be much in the way of differences that we’ve found so far apart from slightly different attack waves.

Professor Chaos got in touch via the comments to say that there are two differences to the final version and described by him as “theoretical or VERY rare glitches”. One in particular was where it goes straight to a level complete animation when all the enemies finish exploding.

In the final version, an extra check is added to make sure you are still alive (as you could still run into an enemy shot for example). Another difference was the removal of some code that when an enemy’s sprite block is blank, it’s y-position is set off-screen. Professor Chaos suggests that maybe this was unnecessary and removed to make room for the above fix in the first difference.

So, not a major difference to the final version at all – but good to see these different builds preserved, as you just never know what may surface.

A huge thank you to Ken Van Mersbergen for his fantastic preservation work and for preserving this prototype. Thank you to Professor Chaos for checking through the code and highlighting the minor differences present.

Posted in: Commodore 64 (C64), Prototype | Tagged: | 4 Comments

GTW64 October 2021 update

Apologies all, a bit manic at work and home this past month – so this month the update is a bit quieter than normal. Hopefully we’ll have a bit more time before the Christmas break to build up our usual large update of unreleased gems. So for this month we have:

2 new entries added

People from SiriusUnnamed game

7 updates added

BaseBloid BrosTiger Road 2Typhoon ThompsonUndeadX-MenZrenite

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2000 Trecision

Platform: PC

Gaming historian Damiano Gerli of The Genesis Temple in August 2021 produced a wonderful 3 part article on the history of Italian video game developer Trecision, which we highly recommend checking out if you haven’t already at https://genesistemple.com/the-history-of-trecision-software-part-i-let-the-games-do-the-talking

Within the 3rd part of the article, Damiano talks about a cancelled title named Samhain, which was in development around 2000 by the company. An in-house title that was being put together by a small team within Trecision, consisting of Federico Fasce, Marco Castrucci, Alessandro Giusti, Stefano Mariani and Tommaso Bennati.

screenshots Cripta03

Federico Fasce informed Damiano that the team had come to him with a FPS prototype that featured a “terrific gothic mood”. They had even taken pictures of graves from Rapallo’s cemetery at night time for textures. Federico felt though it should be more of a survival horror type game, than an actual first person shooter. Continue reading

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1994 Digital Illusions / Psygnosis

Platforms: Commodore Amiga and SEGA MegaDrive

Recently we reported on a lost SEGA MegaDrive conversion of Benefactor, which the press had wrongly attributed screenshots from another game called Hardcore.

Hardcore itself was a fantastic looking Turrican/Assassin clone developed by Digital Illusions, and was due for release on the SEGA MegaDrive. Sadly Psygnosis would pull the plug on all their 16-bit developments before the game would get a chance to be released.

In later years, thankfully the game would see release on the Mega SG as Ultracore. You can read more about this release and see the game in action thanks to Beyond The Scanline’s excellent review.

Amiganoid v2 001

Though what of the Commodore Amiga version? Well, Hardcore was originally being developed for that platform before it was decided to move all of the work across to the SEGA Megadrive. Various previews were shown in magazines at the time, such as The One and showcasing what was looking like a great action platformer. Continue reading

Posted in: Amiga CD32, Commodore Amiga, Mega Drive / Genesis, Reviews | Tagged: | 2 Comments

GTW64 September 2021 update

Another month already, and not entirely sure where the time has gone! A slightly busier update this month, as we have gone through and tidied up some of the pages and removed a load of broken links, as well as adding our usual scan additions and small updates over the past 4 weeks. Hopefully in some way this will provide a highlight of some titles you may not have seen or read about yet.

Undead to be “resurrected”!


News just in, with Undead to be put into development once more after 31 years since its cancellation. Yet another title that could escape the vaults!


2 new entries added

History Package, Tetris

109 updates added

Accilatem, Ace In The Hole, Acid House, Ala Software, Alien 8, Alien Syndrome V1, Alternate Reality – Missing parts, Appointment With Fear, Arcade Wizzard, Atic Atac, Atlantian Continue reading

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1991 Core Design

Platforms: Commodore Amiga and Atari ST

Following on from the recent post on Cyber Fight, comes yet another 3D futuristic sports title in the shape of Retro. A title being developed for Core Design by Steve Northcott (programming) and Simon Phipps (artwork).

No doubt with a bit of inspiration from the recent success of Speedball 2, the Core Design duo had come up with a nifty 3D polygon routine and sprite algorithm to come up with a potentially winning formula (or so it seemed!).


ACE magazine gave a bit of background story to the game, suggesting that teams from all over the Solar System compete in the Retro League. Each game pitting two heavily armed and heavily armoured teams of six players against each other in a no-holds-barred scrap. Continue reading

Posted in: Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, Reviews | Tagged: | Leave a comment

Chess through the ages

1995 Black Legend

Platform: PC, Amiga 1200 and CD32

Chess Through The Ages is an unreleased chess game for Commodore Amiga 1200 and CD32 (possibly even PC – see further on). First kicked off in development around 1993 and eventually was set to be released in 1995 – it was never to be.


Heavily inspired by Battle Chess, the game was to feature decent animated chess pieces across a variety of different background styles. Some of the chess pieces look to have featured Star Wars characters too – including R2 D2 (not sure what licencing went on there). Continue reading

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Turbo Charge

1991 System 3

Platform: Commodore Amiga, Atari ST

Once known as Borderline during its early development, Turbo Charge was inspired by the driving section that featured within Vendetta, an earlier game by System 3.


The game was released on the Commodore 64 in late 1991 to much acclaim, making up for the terrible conversion of Chase HQ from Ocean. You see, this was very much heavily inspired by Chase HQ, where you had to hunt down criminals across a number of stages. Continue reading

Posted in: Commodore Amiga, Reviews | Tagged: | 2 Comments

Dennis and Gnasher

1994 Alternative Software

Platforms: Commodore Amiga and PC

I wasn’t a huge comic book fan growing up, but I still liked to get the occasional copy of the Beano in the UK, where my favourite part was always Dennis the Menace. Probably because I was a kid who used to get up to all kinds of trouble around the same time.


It was news to me then that Alternative Software were planning to release a game based on the character and his dog Gnasher back in 1994, and it was thanks to @mcbpete and @yorecomputer for the heads up. Various magazines including The One, Amiga Power and Amiga Format would preview the game, showcasing a neat isometric style title. Continue reading

Posted in: Commodore Amiga, PC, Reviews | Tagged: | 13 Comments


1985 Aardvark Software

Platform: Amstrad CPC

A short entry which is thanks to @nivrig and @ChinnyVision for posting on Twitter a few days ago.

Amstrad Computer User in June 1985 had posted a short news item regarding an Amstrad CPC conversion of the classic Nick Pelling game.

The game had only just recently been converted to the C64 and released by State Soft, which the article refers to and how it suffered from the lower res graphics utilized.

The magazine snippet suggested that the game was due out shortly with up to 256 levels. There would also be a new competition – the “Grand master Frak challenge”, with a first prize of an original Frak illustration, second prize of a cuddly Trogg and third being £25 of software. Continue reading

Posted in: Amstrad CPC, Reviews | Tagged: | 2 Comments