Welcome to Games That Weren't!

We are an Cancelled & Unreleased Video games archive with prototypes, developer history and assets for many computers and consoles of all ages. A non-profit large archive dedicated to preserving lost games that were never released to the public. Sharing history and stories from the developers, assets and more before it is too late. GTW has been preserving lost video game history online since 1999, and long before that offline.

Please Browse our archive and discover the many entries that we host for many different platforms.

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Black Legend games

1993-1995 Black Legend

Platforms: Commodore Amiga and CD32

A short post for now to highlight a series of games that were due for release on the Amiga by Black Legend across a 2-3 year period.

The publisher behind titles such as Football Glory were covered in various magazines of the time, and were working on around 4 titles in total that were looking promising, but ultimately were never to make it to user’s screens. These titles were:


On board a gigantic spaceship, the aim is simply to stay alive and navigate your way through a huge maze of corridors. In between the simple shooting action are a series of puzzles and tasks to open up further pathways into the ship. Sounds a bit like Obliterator by Psygnosis.

You start with a simple pistol and then upgrade to better weapons as you progress, but also have to deal with larger and more dangerous creatures. There are credits on the screenshot, which we can’t quite fully make out. Coder seems to be a “Geln Innsen” and artist is “Thomas Nobeng” – neither gives any results. Any ideas or anyone know of a better screenshot where we can determine the credits? Continue reading

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Chuck Rock 2 early assets

Many of you will remember the original Chuck Rock and its brilliant rock band title screen from the early 90’s. Although the game itself was nothing massively special, it revokes a lot of fun and happy memories for many of us.

It was therefore no surprise when a sequel was announced by Core Design, this time with Chuck’s son as the main protagonist. The game was released in 1993 for a variety of platforms, including Commodore Amiga, SEGA Genesis, Mega CD, Game Gear and Master System.

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Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

1989 Mindscape

Platforms: Atari ST and Commodore Amiga

Thanks to contributor Robin Gravel, we have learnt of yet another unreleased Star Trek game in the shape of Star Trek V: The Final Frontier by Mindscape in 1989. Released on the PC, the Amiga edition was shown on the back of the box, but was never to surface, along with a planned ST edition that were to appear later in early 1990.

amiga screen startrek

The game itself was a mixture of genres, including fighting scenes and 3D space combat sequences. The space sequences are all controlled via the bridge of the Enterprise, with a wide range of commands to give orders to your crew or various actions in the game. Continue reading

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New final release of Worron (C64)

Happy Sunday everyone!

A lovely surprise today, where author of the unreleased Firebird game Worron, Richard Paynter got in touch to provide GTW with an upgraded and fixed version of his 34 year old game.

worron1 1

After GTW recovered Richard’s work in 2015, it was found that the game wasn’t quite finished in places and there were a number of issues which made it impossible to complete without cheats enabled. It was something that bothered Richard for a few years, so this year he decided to decompile and fix it all.

Not only has he fixed a lot of the collision and crash issues, but he’s added an introduction picture and a variety of music and sound effects to round off and polish up the game he created when he was just 17 years old.

Check out the full story here and grab a copy for yourself to check out – yet another new and complete C64 game for your enjoyment and a happy outcome for a game once lost.

Worron – Firebird

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The Great Giana Sisters

2010 TRSI64

Platform: Commodore Vic 20

I’ve seen some amazing developments over the years for the Vic 20 – a proper decent conversion of Manic Miner, isometric games in the style of the classic Ultimate titles and now a conversion of the classic C64 Super Mario Bros. rip off The Great Giana Sisters.

This was no official development being created back in the day at Rainbow Arts, but an unofficial conversion by TRSI64 back in 2010. Unfortuntaely this impressive looking conversion only seems to have got as far as scrolling most of the level data – with no main character or enemies implemented. Music is also missing – but what we have is something that looks very close to the C64 classic.

It is seriously impressive, even at this very early stage – and it would have been interesting to see the sprites implemented and how they would have come out. Possibly the SID music could have maybe been emulated through Aleksi Eeben’s impressive Sid Vicious player.

Things have clearly stalled with development, which is a huge shame. Hopefully we’ll get to hear from TRSI64 to learn more about the development and if it got any further than what we can see here. Maybe some day they may return to finish it off.

With thanks to Fabrizio Bartoloni for the heads up.

Source: https://giana-sisters.fandom.com/wiki/The_Great_Giana_Sisters_(Commodore_Vic-20)

Posted in: Commodore VIC-20, Reviews | Tagged: | 3 Comments


1994 Team 17

Platforms: Amiga 1200 and CD32

Our next entry is a slightly obscure fighting game that was due for release on the Amiga 1200 and CD32. The game was set to be published by Team 17.


Oddly, the game wasn’t really covered much by magazines of the time. Only Amiga Dreams/Amiga Concept would do a short write up on the title. It could be possibly because the title isn’t correct. The main header on one part saying CHOKIGESSEN and the main text and quotes saying CHOKEGISEN. Neither produced any further results online.

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Posted in: Amiga CD32, Commodore Amiga, Reviews | Tagged: | 3 Comments

AGTW blows the lid on CyberSpace

It wasn’t too long ago when we did a short post on the unreleased Amiga edition of Empire’s CyberSpace. In the meantime, Amiga Games That Weren’t and Adrian Simpson were digging further already and were in touch with much of the development team that had worked on the game.


Adrian has set up a wonderfully detailed area on the game, complete with interviews, design details about the game and what happened to it. A huge added bonus was that Adrian was kindly provided a demo to take screenshots from the PC edition, which have not been seen digitally online until now.

Hopefully over time, Adrian will be able to help preserve the Amiga edition and show something of it in the future. Check it out at http://www.abime.net/articles/view/article/id/11

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Combat Remix

1998 Low-Level Productions

Platform: Commodore Amiga

Combat Remix was a late Amiga fighting game that was due for release back in 1998 from a group called Low Level, highlighted to GTW thanks to regular Grzegorz Antosiewicz.

This is a short entry for now, as very little is actually known about the game and what happened to it. The only trace found so far seems to be from an old web archived site called Amiga Nutta, where there were 3 screenshots shown, as well as a few brief news snippets in Amiga Informer, Amiga Fever and The Games Machine Italia.

combatremix2 large

The game was looking pretty decent, and had obviously a lot of influence from Street Fighter for the character in yellow – and Grzegorz also suggests Piccolo from Dragon Ball for the second character. The backgrounds quite possibly were borrowed from other various games too – which suggests that it was indeed a combat “remix” in many ways, and maybe that was the intention.

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GTW64 May 2021 update

How is it May already? A slightly smaller update this month with just 3 new entries, but there are 32 updates to various titles in the archive. Mostly tidy ups of old pages, but also some new information too for some of them and some new scans.

3 new entries added

Alien Syndrome V1, Miami Vice, Stareggs V1

32 updates added

Arc Doors 2, Batty Builders, Big Nose The Caveman, CJ’s 4th Adventure, Cattivik, Covermount casualties, Double Dragon V1, FSS Liberator, Frixxion, Hangman’s Hazard, Inspector Gadget, Last Ninja V1, Make My Day!, Mega Games, Moebius Strip, Murder!, Nimitz, Obliterator, Operation Mindcrime Xertyn-X, Plum Duff, Prince Of Persia, Pyramids Of The Sun, Rolling Ronny 2, Rugby World Cup 2, Sonic the Hedgehog, Subclavian, Super Thief, System X, The Search For Sharla, Twin Turbo V8, UXB, Ultrabulb

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Games That Weren’t book back in stock!

I’ve been completely blown away by the support when The Games That Weren’t book was launched late last year, and even more so when it completely sold out by the start of the new year.

After a number of queries asking if there was going to be another production run, i’m pleased to announce that there has been and the book is now available once more via https://www.bitmapbooks.com/products/the-games-that-werent

So if you missed out the first time and would like to grab a copy, then now’s your chance. Thanks for all your support everyone!


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