Welcome to Games That Weren't!

We are an Cancelled & Unreleased Video games archive with prototypes, developer history and assets for many computers and consoles of all ages. A non-profit large archive dedicated to preserving lost games that were never released to the public. Sharing history and stories from the developers, assets and more before it is too late. GTW has been preserving lost video game history online since 1999, and long before that offline.

Please Browse our archive and discover the many entries that we host for many different platforms.

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GTW hosting costs and donations

Games That Weren’t is a freely ran project, 100% non-profitable and done in our own free time. To ensure minimum downtime, storing vast amounts of scans, downloads and information we unfortunately have to pay for hosting.

If you would like to help us to keep GTW and GTW64 running, then you are welcome to make a donation of any size by using the donation button on the side of every page (at the bottom, and out of the way), or via our Donation page.

Please note that donations only cover our hosting/domain costs, and that we remain a purely non-profit project. Each year we will try and raise money to cover our costs. Once we hit our target, no more donations will be accepted. More details can be found on our Donation page.

Thank you!

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Pluff game found and released + more!

A nice big update for June, which includes the full preservation of Pluff, which has been missing for many years. Also included are two home brew titles which were done back in the day by a game creator and long forgotten about.

And there is more to come soon, with another long lost title found and currently being tidied up for release. A clue is that it is World Cup related, but not football.. and it has been reviewed in a major UK magazine. Watch this space, but for now enjoy the updates!

Pluff full game found and released!


Two other homebrew efforts recovered and released

Amity Island, Robotomania

4 new entries added

Captain Future, Death Trap, It Came From The Desert, Night Walker

27 other updates added

Arcade Classics 2, Batman 3D, C64GS cartridge titles, Chuck Rock, Circus Fun!, Damocles, Darius +, Fire & Forget, Gi Hero, Heavy Barrel, Judge Death, Mach 3, Manhatten Dealers, Old Scores, Seal Cull, Search For Sharla, Sigue Sigue Sputnik, Spellcast, Streethawk, The Blues Brothers, The Seven Gates Of Jambala, Unnamed helecopter game, Victory Road (UK version), Viking Child, Virus, Whirligig

Posted in: Commodore 64 (C64), GTW64 news | Leave a comment

Green Beret (C64) – earlier edition

Thanks to Ross Sillifant for highlighting yet another title which was looking a little different before its final release. Although not drastically different to the final game, there’s probably no harm flagging it up for a quick mention.

When Green Beret was reviewed in Commodore User magazine back in, they featured screenshots showing changes in the main score panel area. The main game area itself seems to be the same, and when someone wrote into the magazine to mention the differences between the review and the final version, CU stated that the game mechanics were exactly the same.

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C64 games still in production, not cancelled

Over the years, GTW64 has added titles to its archives which were mistakenly thought to have been abandoned and no longer in production.

Rather than just remove them and forget about them – we have created this page to list titles which are actually still confirmed by their authors as intended for completion. The thing with modern day productions is that there is no time-scale, and they could take years to be completed. The positive thing is that we could well see them finished!

So here we go – before suggesting any submissions to GTW64 – please ensure that it isn’t in the list below. If a game project ever gets cancelled, then it will go into the archive.







Astrostorm II


Pac It


Hip Hop


Posted in: Commodore 64 (C64), GTW64 news | Leave a comment

Sharla ending + Chuck Rock original downloads added

A quick GTW64 update from us to present the first piece of Search For Sharla seen for over 20 years in the shape of the end sequence, thanks to the work of Andy Roberts and Vinny Mainolfi.


In addition to this Holger Klipsch has very kindly provided GTW with a backup of the original Chuck Rock on disk, which we have now added along with a scan of the instruction sheet. There are some other quick updates too, the full list can be found here:

Chuck Rock, Search For Sharla, The Seven Gates Of Jambala, Unnamed helecopter game

Posted in: Commodore 64 (C64), GTW64 news, News | Leave a comment

More updates for GTW64 added

Continuing the stream of updates for 2014 and for April, some more updates to the archive.

2 new entries added

3D Pool V1, War in Middle Earth V1

14 updates added (details of each update under “Updates made” link for each game)

BMX Racers V1, Eye Of The Moon, Heart Of Yesod, Hijack, Hyper Galactic Warrior, Knuckles, Lusitania, Omega Ceti, Pentacle, Runestone, SDI, Stargate Legacy, Super Thief, Tyger Tyger

Posted in: Commodore 64 (C64), GTW64 news | Leave a comment