Welcome to Games That Weren't!

We are an Cancelled & Unreleased Video games archive with prototypes, developer history and assets for many computers and consoles of all ages. A non-profit large archive dedicated to preserving lost games that were never released to the public. Sharing history and stories from the developers, assets and more before it is too late. GTW has been preserving lost video game history online since 1999, and long before that offline.

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GTW64 at Play Expo 2013

GTW64 was on display recently at the Play Expo 2013 in Manchester at Event City. It was a great weekend, where we got to chat to many developers – including Steve Wahid regarding his Streethawk work.


Below you can find some photos from the event, as well as a link to a podcast interview (starting from around 43:32).

We hope to do similar stands at other shows in the future!

Posted in: Commodore 64 (C64), GTW64 news, News | Leave a comment

Flying Shark (ZX Spectrum) and Rampage (CPC)

A very small post to just share a previously unseen Flying Shark asset from the original game before it was handed over to Dominic Robinson and John Cummings at Graftgold Ltd. Yes, that is right – Bob Pape within his recent book on R-Type had disclosed that there was an earlier version of Flying Shark in development at Catalyst.

There was also an earlier Rampage development under way at Catalyst by a chap called Stephen Waldie. When Stephen found out he wouldn’t be paid until the end, he walked as he could not afford to live without a regular income stream.

Unfortunately, the Flying Shark coder was not quite up to the project and walked out after only a few weeks. Both projects were moved onto other developers before being finished off and released.

Flying Shark


Thanks to Bob Pape, we can at least share part of the Flying Shark V1 remains which he found on a development disk. It just contains an unused side panel which would have gone into the Catalyst version of the game. Maybe some day more will be recovered, but we doubt either game got very far at all.

Posted in: Amstrad CPC, Prototype, Unused materials, ZX Spectrum | Tagged: , | 1 Comment

Yet more updates for GTW64

More this week, mostly in the way of new entries and a series of updates with scanned items added. No new games to play this time unfortunately, but we hope to have more soon. Enjoy!

30 new entries added

Benny Hill, Bloody Kids, Boxing and Galactica 1 pack, Bryan Robson’s Super League, Castle Fear, Delphian, Demolator, Espionage, Flame Island, Golden Path, Grand Slam Tennis, Grimblood, Gunboat, Hagar The Horrible, Main Event, Minder, Nifty Lifty, Orel Hershiser’s Strike Zone, Oriental Games, Pengi, Plexar, Q8 Team Ford Rally Simulation, Quadrillion, Rainbow, Sarge, Star Fighter, The Sweeney, Think!, Warlord, Xenodrome

24 updates added

Aviatak, Bamboo, Battlestorm, Crossbow, Deep Star, Gladiator, Heavy Barrel, International Soccer Challenge, King Of Chicago, Kobayashi Naru 1994, Liverpool FC, Lock On, Lord Of The Rings, Lords Of The Rising Sun, Miami Vice, Murder!, Operation Thunderbolt V1, Pulsator, Rebelstar, SDI, The Omnicron Conspiracy, Total Recall V1, Tour De Force, Trick Ramp Crazy

Posted in: Commodore 64 (C64), GTW64 news | Leave a comment

Large update and findings for GTW64

Well, following on from the release of Fun School Special, we have a special update this time with not one new finding – but 7 previously unseen and unreleased games/previews – thanks to the efforts of Duncan Kershaw, who has been digging through his work disks for GTW64. This includes three full games, and the rest are quite meaty previews plus a sadly corrupted title (which we hope may get saved some day). But there also some other promising developments which you can find out more about below:

Duncan Kershaw recoveries released

A large amount of titles – most intended for Players Software recovered and preserved:

Codename Desert Storm (full game), Charlie (full game), Deep Star (preview), Harrier Strike (full game), Liberator (preview), Locomotive (preview), Space Hop (full game)

Firehawk (Codemasters) Level 1 map assets found


Dinnamic Donkey Duo and Elusive game remains recovered

Dinnamic Donkey Duo, Elusive

New Graham Gooch World Class Cricket review found and added

Graham Gooch World Class Cricket

More on R-Type V1 from Bob Pape

R-Type V1

16 additional new entries added

Demigod 1994, Hi-Tec educational titles, Kobyashi Naru 1994, Majik 1994, Micro Driv’in, Nightwing 1994, Shard of Inovar 1994, , The Darkest Road 1994, The Magus 1994, Unknown Ikari Warriors clone, Unnamed Karate game, Venom 1994, Wanted: Dead or Alive, World Boxing Champ, Zombies

And finally… 44 updates added

24th Amaranth GP, Adam Caveman, Axels Magic Hammer, Batman Returns, Brides Of Dracula, CJ’s 4th Adventure, City Bomber, Cops Fight Back, Dune Buggy, Escape From Colditz, Everwar, Fighting Cops, Final Eclipse, Firefighter, Flubble And Squij, Germ Alert, Habitat, Key to Success, Laser Disc to C64 interface, Leaving Teramis, Lethal Xcess, Mumbles – Superspy, Nuclear Nick, Olli & Lissa II: Halloween, Penguin Tower, Pipe Mania, Save The Hippy, Scooter, Se-Kaa of Assiah 1994, Solar Jetman, Sooty And Sweep 2, Space Ace, Spikey and the search for Rip, Spooky, Starburst, Super Pac Twins, The Seven Gates Of Jambala, Time Scanner V1, Trojahn, Unknown Ole Mogensen game, Venturia, Warriors

Posted in: GTW64 news, News | Leave a comment

A slightly different Pitfighter (C64)

Another one for the collection, but spotted in an issue of Your Commodore was a preview of Pitfighter with a slight difference in the game area.


The difference is merely the inclusion of a yellow trousered main character for Kato (who in the final game is either blue or red).

Here is a shot from the released game to compare:



Posted in: Commodore 64 (C64), GTW64 news, Prototype | Tagged: | 1 Comment

Battle of the Eras released – PC (DOS)

Brandon Cobb of superfighter.com has been in touch to announce the finding and availability of a long lost PC (DOS) fighting game called Battle of the Eras.

While a demo of the game was circulated via the BBS’ of the time, not one person stepped up and purchased a copy of the full version. As a result, the full version was never made available … until now.

Check out the link below for a full interview with the developer and a free download of both the demo and the registered version of the game. Thanks to Brandon and his team, people can now experience the complete game for the first time.


Posted in: News, PC | Leave a comment

DJ Puff unused materials

Something a little bit different, but thanks to Duncan Kershaw – we are able to show you a little glimpse of a level and a bad guy which was never used in the final release of DJ Puff. The charset is by Jonathan Temples, but the map, blocks and sprite seem to be done by someone else. Not sure who!


As you can see, this is a very nicely detailed level which hopefully some day we can piece together and show it in full view.

Continue reading

Posted in: Commodore 64 (C64), GTW64 news, Unused materials | Tagged: | 2 Comments

Exile V1

Yet more slightly different looking screenshots – this time for the C64 version of Exile, which pretty much had a different main character and panel screen in Commodore Format issue 7.

It seems that Paul Docherty (thanks Rob!) was brought in late on the project to tart up some of the in game graphics, as well as give a nice intro picture to the game. This is a glimpse of what came before. See below!

Does the earlier build exist today? Maybe some day we may find out!

Posted in: Commodore 64 (C64), GTW64 news, Prototype | Tagged: | 3 Comments