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We are an Cancelled & Unreleased Video games archive with prototypes, developer history and assets for many computers and consoles of all ages. A non-profit large archive dedicated to preserving lost games that were never released to the public. Sharing history and stories from the developers, assets and more before it is too late. GTW has been preserving lost video game history online since 1999, and long before that offline.

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GTW64 update – 08/01/13

Continuing the ongoing updates and fixes:

7 new entries added

Biz, Bloo!, Hell For Leather, Phantom – The Mission Remix, Tanx, Thunder Hawk, Victory Road (UK version)

51 updates added

This is mostly credit fixes, addition of extra scans and creator speaks added. Some highlights in particular to check are for Captain Planet, Hareraiser 2, Paperboy 2, Speedboat Assassin, Unnamed Tony Gibbs Game, Street Fighter 2 V1 (Interesting account from James Macdonald!) and Unnamed Tony Gibbs game.

2400 AD, Airwolf 2 V1, Albyon, Batman Returns, Blast, Breakthrough, CDU Games Disks, Capitaly, Captain Planet, Cattivik, Circus Fun!, City Bomber, Colour Space, Cyborg, DDT: Dynamic Debugger, Dinnamic Donkey Duo, Droid One, Droid One Plus, Enduro Racer V2, Fruit Fight, Gauntlet 3, Giana 2 – Arthur And Martha In Future World, Gods, Hareraiser 2, Ice Age, Kick Off, Kid Niki, Klaboom, Monster Business, Outrage, Paperboy 2, Penguin Tower, Quo Vadis, R.R Software Titles, Saigon Combat Unit, Shockwave, Shutdown, Solo, Sorry!, Speedboat Assassin, Street Fighter 2 V1, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3, Tusari 2, Tyger Tyger, Unnamed Game, Unnamed Tony Gibbs game, Viking Child, Warspite, Xenon 2, Zynon

Posted in: GTW64 news | 1 Comment

AMC’89 Konix sources released

Following on from the exciting launch of the Konix Multi-system emulator and a runnable preview of AMC’89, the guys from the Slipstream: The Konix Multi-system archive have now released the sources which can be grabbed from here:


This has been released with the permission of Jeff Minter himself, and it is hoped that someone will pick up the baton and look to try and complete the game, maybe even trying to reconstruct the Stonehenge levels which are missing from the preview.

Fancy a challenge?

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A small pre-2013 update

A few bits and pieces have come through right at the death of 2012 – which includes details of another Amiga to C64 conversion that never was called:

And also David Wightman helped us to confirm some more details on two games he was involved in which we had entries already in the archive, confirming credits and details to why the games never made it:

RatPack led us to a sad discovery that ex-C64 developer Carl Wade passed away in 2011 at the young age of 40. Carl was famous for the C64 conversions of Double Dragon (Ocean), Gemini Wing and Stratego. Rest in piece Carl!

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GTW64 Christmas 2012 update

Well, ever since the upgrade of GTW64 was completed – it was straight onto preparing for the Christmas update. No rest for the wicked. Hopefully we won’t disappoint with some big findings to keep you going. Lets kick things off:

Otherworld full game


Our big finding for this update is a long lost full game from Andrew Morris (graphic artist for Kikstart 2 amongst many others) which we have salvaged from Andrew’s work disks. This is a very cool Thing on a Spring’esq game which unfortunately didn’t quite make the budget labels of the day. A huge thanks to Jani Tahvanainen for helping recover the game and also fixing things up as a completable game.


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Posted in: GTW64 news | 2 Comments

Konix emulator released with AMC’89!

After many months of development and the recent discovery of the remains of AMC’89, the Konix Emulator has finally been completed and the first public version made available.

It is a monumental release of an emulator for a console that never was. After years of research and digging, this has been made possible thanks to Mark Campbell’s dedicated hard work and belief that its remains could be recovered and preserved.

Of course, the highlight of the emulator is the inclusion of a compiled version of Attack Of The Mutant Camels 1989 – a game we never thought we’d ever get chance to play. Now we can play an early version. In addition to this, Mark tells me that Jeff has given permission for the source code to be released as well – so there is potential of the game being finished or even ported to other platforms. Exciting times!

Go check it out and grab the emulator from: http://www.konixmultisystem.co.uk/index.php?id=news

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A little something to share

I can’t really add this to GTW64 as a proper entry, but I thought i’d share – as i’m pretty happy at this particular personal finding.

After doing some preservation work with the Maverick v5 tool on a problematic disk, and with some big success (as you will find out about in good time!), I wondered if it would work on one of my old work disks which contained a SEUCK 1942 clone that I had quickly done in a day and had abandoned at an early stage.

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Posted in: Commodore 64 (C64), GTW64 news, Prototype | 4 Comments