Welcome to Games That Weren't!

We are an Cancelled & Unreleased Video games archive with prototypes, developer history and assets for many computers and consoles of all ages. A non-profit large archive dedicated to preserving lost games that were never released to the public. Sharing history and stories from the developers, assets and more before it is too late. GTW has been preserving lost video game history online since 1999, and long before that offline.

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aGTW update – Feb 2010

Head over to Amiga Games That Weren’t for four new entries!

Amiga Putty Squad isnt the only version of that game which wasnt released. aGTWs detour into the world of the Playstation 2 and the unreleased Putty Squad PS2 fills in some gaps about the Amiga version. Andy Roberts answers our questions.

Siegemaster is a strategy and RPG game which demonstrates that a full review in a magazine (the notoriously unreliable Amiga Action) is no indication that a game was released. We speak to Edward Grabowski about his game.

Finally, John Dale talks to aGTW about two of his games. Pipeline is an early version of the game that eventually became Pipe Mania and Pipe Dream. This pre-release version differs from the final game in a number of ways. John created another puzzler called Rotoplex. Unlike Pipeline, this game was not eventually released.

Posted in: Commodore Amiga, News | Leave a comment


1986/87 Durell

Platforms: ZX Spectrum and Commodore 64

Trojan was a Capcom arcade title which was due for conversion across to the likes of the ZX Spectrum and Commodore 64 in 1987. Tasked with the conversion for Elite Software was Durell Software, at least for the ZX edition.


For years, much was unknown about it – until in more recent years it was established that Rob Hubbard had composed a some tunes for a game called Trojan. Clive Townsend then confirmed he had also developed the Spectrum edition, and had all of his Microdrive disks backed up by Steve Brown of TZX Vault- which revealed playable remains of the game. Continue reading

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AMRWolf AGA & Dent A Wolf / DentECTS / Dentaku-26 AGA

Amiga Games That Werent dips into the deep pool of unreleased Wolfenstein 3D and Doom clone engines on the Amiga:

Alastair M. Robinsons AMRWolf is an early texture-mapped and ray casting engine created using the Amigas Copper Chunky mode and a combination of AMOS Pro and machine code. Alastair returns to the pages of aGTW to talk about his engine.

Alex Amsel, of XTreme Racing fame, discusses his Dent A Wolf / DentECTS / Dentaku-26 engine. Two versions of the engine exist; a basic release intended to attract fellow developers and a more advanced version for publishers to view at the European Computer Trade Show (ECTS).

Posted in: Commodore Amiga, News | Leave a comment

An interview with Craig Kelsall

When doing a bit of research for the C64 mirror of GTW, we got in touch with Craig Kelsall regarding any of his unfinished C64 work and got asking a few questions. In the end it seemed sensible to turn it into a small interview, and so here it is!

Craig developed late into the C64s life, working for Hi-Tec and Codemasters on titles such as Turbo the Tortoise and Crystal Kingdom Dizzy. We ask him a few questions and find out what happened next after moving on from the C64. Continue reading

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