This may have just been something knocked up to score some cheap points, but then there was a Super Ball game released a year previously: Super Ball 2 just seems to be the same game, but turned on its … Continue reading →
A very bizarre name for a game which seems to be nothing to do with Captain Hook, and is just a vertical scroller where you have two ships that are scrolling upwards. There isn’t much going on apart from a … Continue reading →
Star Scaper is a promising preview, where you control a ship which can move left and right in Uridium style, but from a side-on based view point. It seems you have to collect a series of items and progress through … Continue reading →
Spectral Sneer is a neat early preview, where you can control either a Wizard or a Warrior in a sideways scrolling platformer, where you can go underground or above ground, fighting with various enemies. It’s fairly dinky, but pretty neat … Continue reading →
Not a huge amount to see here with Space Killer, with what seems to be a sort of multi-directional scroller (in Sinistar style), but with glitches everywhere and nothing to really do. This may have been to get some cheap … Continue reading →
I hardly need to describe the game I guess, as the title pretty much sums up the topic of this box shifting game. An unofficial conversion, as an official conversion had already been released – this seems to be some … Continue reading →
Sky-Jack is an odd platformer game, where at this early stage the player actually glides around, rather than jumps. I guess the preview was just to test some of the map and sprite mechanics, but little else at this stage. … Continue reading →
Project Sparkk is a small screen scrolling “navigate your ship through tight tunnels” style of game which was being developed in early 1988 and was no doubt for a software company of the time (though there is no suggestion of … Continue reading →
No doubt this isn’t the proper title of the game, but then it may not have had a name at all, as this was reported to have been coded in a day. It looks impressive for what it is, even … Continue reading →
Where did this game come from? It’s been around for about 30 years now, but it remained something of a mystery. This seemed to be an unofficial home conversion based on the 60’s film Fantastic Voyage. This German language game … Continue reading →
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