Ross Sillifant has very kindly offered us an interview with Geoff Phillips (of Mighty Bombjack (c64) fame among others) to put onto the site, so without further delay i’ll hand you over to Ross… As part of my on-going … Continue reading →
A very quick entry for a proposed sequel which doesn’t seem to ever got past the planning stage. Black Knight was a late game in the C64’s life, coming out in 1996 and released by Polish games company TimSoft. It … Continue reading →
A short entry for a title flagged up to us by Dan Warren, which is listed as being a Ubi Soft game – but from a bit of initial digging around, we couldn’t find any reference to it online apart … Continue reading →
3D Roam was a game which was due to be released by Swedish company Handic back in the early 80’s, but sadly was never to be (for reasons as yet unknown). It was to be part of a trilogy of … Continue reading →
Game was confirmed as being released by Dan Dasse Evertsson, as his friend had a copy and kindly gave a scan of it! Grab it from Gamebase too!… Case closed!
First update for October which includes the following: 5 new entries added 3D Snooker, Hooray for Henrietta, Mix and Match with Maggie, Rick Dangerous 3, Samurai Warrior V1 10 updates added 7 Minutes To Midnight, Batman Returns, Cable Run, Crystal … Continue reading →
A brief entry for a title that never got very far… not very far at all! At the end of Rick Dangerous 2, things are left open – suggesting that a 3rd game was going to continue the adventures of … Continue reading →
A short entry for what possibly might be an earlier edition of Samuari Warrior that exists with a much larger and open world experience. It is suggested from a snippet on the game that it may have had a lot … Continue reading →
A quick post to show some magazine scans reporting on the cancelled Aliens: Colonial Marines title on the PS2, thanks to Ross Sillifant. Seems even more staggering that as technology grows, the expense of cancellations is far greater – especially … Continue reading →
A very quick entry for an educational title which was due for release in 1991 on the C64 by Scetlander, a company based in Glasgow. The game was released on the ZX Spectrum and various other platforms. We know that … Continue reading →
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