Our next entry is a quick one as highlighted by contributor Sean O’Neill. It’s a title we’ve been aware of for some time, but just haven’t got round to adding it to the site. The game should have been released … Continue reading →
Yet another early version of a popular game goes into the GTW64 archives, this time with Yie Ar Kung Fu – which was a favourite of mine by David Collier. However, recently in the Ocean History book – we learn … Continue reading →
A huge surprise for Amiga fans today, as System 3 have released the Amiga version of Putty Squad after being missing for almost 20 years and to mark the release of the Playstation release. The game has been preserved thanks … Continue reading →
It is that time of the year again, and another bumper update which has been building up. The big difference this year was the lack of a backlog, so all the materials here have been the result of further digging … Continue reading →
Over the past few years, I have been busy porting my own C64 disks (mostly to pass on potentially lost game cracks and demos from my own collection) and work tapes with the aim of digitally archiving all of the … Continue reading →
Whilst going through the disks of Cory Kin, we found an early preview of Tangent, which was released under the Softek label eventually (which was part of The Edge) – but this prototype specifies The Edge as the label for … Continue reading →
Working title – this was compiled from some unknown source files labelled Cars. There is very little to see here apart from an expanded set of number sprites on the right hand side (indicating speed?) and a block sprite in … Continue reading →
Well, ok – we aren’t 100% certain that this title was to be a platformer, but the setup seems to suggest it would have been. With a 2 character high sprite, looking like something out of Wonderboy and some colourful … Continue reading →
Found as a default set of graphics within Cory Kin’s own level map designer tool. We are not sure if this was to be a maze game, a shoot-em-up or something else. It could be that this is nothing but … Continue reading →
Well, we believe this is a game which Cory was working on – but no idea exactly what it was. On many of Cory’s disks he was doing a lot of “Cute” research, compiling together a number of cute games … Continue reading →
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Games That Weren't® is the registered trademark of Frank Gasking.