Warlord was to be a re-release of an old Interceptor graphic text adventure from 1985 on the new Players label. ACE magazine listed it in their budget section and stated a C64 version was being released. However, it was believed … Continue reading →
This may well be a red herring, but ACE magazine’s review of the Spectrum game by Mastertronic suggests that a C64 conversion may have been considered. We’ll keep things short for now until we get further confirmation, but you can … Continue reading →
Star Fighter was listed in a Triton Mail Order catalogue for the C64 and listed as a Cinematic Action in Space title with movie like effects. Solid 3D graphics were also stated, but there seems to be nothing of the … Continue reading →
Mentioned in a US sales catalogue, Main Event was to be a wrestling title released by Activision and was a conversion of the Konami arcade game The Main Event. It is a game that was never really heard about in … Continue reading →
Sarge was to be a Capcom arcade conversion released on the C64 back in 1988. Although advertised as on sale – the game never got to make it on the C64 for reasons unknown. The PC version did however surface. … Continue reading →
Hmmm, not quite sure just yet if this was just a mere mistake in a US based catalogue, but the classic Amiga title – Golden Path was listed as being sold for the C64 in a Spring 1987 catalogue by … Continue reading →
A quick write up on a title which we only really knew anything about thanks to a news snippet in Games Machine issue 32. The game was mentioned and previewed in a few magazines as to be released on the … Continue reading →
Not entirely sure why we hadn’t featured this one earlier, but Q8 (i’ll keep it to Q8 to save time!) was being produced across all formats by Thalamus as an exciting 3D racer game. It was never to be for … Continue reading →
We’re not entirely sure if this actually got completed, but Accolade were still producing C64 games in 1990 (and even 1991), so its entirely feasible that Gunboat was being produced for the C64. The game got fair reviews and even … Continue reading →
Oriental Games could have possibly been one of the last Firebird games to see a release on the C64, but it was not to be. Mentioned in a news item in Games Machine issue 27, Oriental Games was an average … Continue reading →
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