Released on the Amiga back in 1989, Wayne Gretzky Hockey was a great little game of hockey. In an 1989 issue of games magazine "Games Player’s" and in its Amiga review, it mentioned that a C64/128 version was being planned … Continue reading →
Yet another title from Starbyte and Bonespark… and yet another GTW entry. This time we are greeted with a promising looking arcade adventure game, which sadly doesn’t seem to have got very far before it was cancelled. Originally, the game … Continue reading →
Created by Steve Evans, famous for classics such as Guardian. This game was a very sly Commando clone, and as soon as Elite (who owned the rights to converting Commando) saw the game, they gained an injunction to stop it … Continue reading →
Yet another Taskset GTW has come to light thanks to the stearling work of Paul Drury and his discussions with the Taskset crew. The game ‘Vulcan’ originally started off as an arcade board called ‘Hunter’ which was being done by … Continue reading →
A big thanks to Carlos who recently flagged up this game which some light was shed at the Spanish retro-party RetroMatrid in 2010. Viaje al Centro de la Tierra (Journey to the Center of the Earth) was a sort of … Continue reading →
Venom Blazer is non other than a Trailblazer clone, hence the name, lacking the two player mode of the game. The only real resembelence to Trailblazer is the inclusion of the classic checkerboard road effect, which scrolls quite smoothly as … Continue reading →
The Vengenance of Zeno is a bit of an oddity for GTW, but a perfect addition to the archive. The game is reported as missing on Gamebase 64, and the only recollection seems to be from an Anirog advert which … Continue reading →
Advertised in many magazines, this was a title being sold by Anik Microsystems… however only two Anik games exist and seem to have been released on the C64. The advert describes the game as follows: "You’ll hand it to this … Continue reading →
Back in the 1980’s, Atarisoft were doing official conversions for the Commodore 64. Vanguard was one of them! We learn of this conversion thanks to Mat Allen who has documented the conversion briefly in Digital Press. We hope to learn … Continue reading →
A potentially fantastic space SEU from Denmark which sadly never saw the light of day. GTW is proud to present a specially made slideshow by IaN Coog (Released by Hokutoforce and Onslaught) of the game and how it was looking. … Continue reading →
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