A recently surfaced game thanks to Jazzcat, this time another space SEU which was in development roughly 15 years ago. Taking the Delta style theme, Trigger Happy features some promising graphics and attack waves.. but really its too early to … Continue reading →
Already there exists a TV game of the old classic TV series, but Domark decided to upgrade the old franchise on the C64 and soop up the aging Macmillan version which was already done. We don’t know exactly how far … Continue reading →
A very quick entry, but it seems that there exists a version of Trantor the Last Stormtrooper which features graphics by Paul (Dokk) Docherty. Paul Docherty wrote in a feature on C64.com that “I did some in-game graphics too, but … Continue reading →
Trantor was a fairly well received game, but mainly for its awesome music and graphics. The game itself sucked a little bit, but overall it still has its fans. Recently C64 endings discovered that at the end of the first … Continue reading →
It’s hard to pick the best ever footy management sim on the C64… Many would pick those created by "The Cult", or die hard fans would say "Football Manager". Secret Lab Productions had a crack at producing their own top … Continue reading →
A technically impressive game which you’d never expect to see on a C64, though Gremlin had other plans… They had managed to get Lotus converted to the C64 with success, so Toyota Rally didn’t seem that impossible to try too. … Continue reading →
Tournament Golf was to be a conversion of the Sega arcade game Arnold Palmer’s Tournament Golf for the C64. The only knowledge we have of such a conversion was from Elite’s very own website: http://www.elite-systems.co.uk/elite/htdocs/games.php?id=64 The game got a release … Continue reading →
Thanks to Hedning for flagging this game up, but in COMPUTE’s Gazette May 1985, page 147, a game called Tornado Tom was flagged up. We know little about the game at present – but here is the scan from the … Continue reading →
Now for yet another potentially uncovered title in the lost 20 something from Codemasters. This time a title which seems to have been the result of when Codemasters attempted to buy some cartoon licences from Hi-Tec after they ceased trading … Continue reading →
One of Carl Muller’s many unreleased C64 games before he did the likes of Speedball 2. Toccata is a simple shoot-em-up, which consists of a ship which shoots at stars before they get too big. Kind of like Mega Apocalypse … Continue reading →
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