Starship was a fair 3D Wireframe strategy/action game which was being released on the Atari ST first, and then ported to the C64 at a later date. It seems that the Atari ST version never surfaced also, as nothing can … Continue reading
Preserving Cancelled & Unreleased Video Game History Since 1999
Total results: 3505
Starship was a fair 3D Wireframe strategy/action game which was being released on the Atari ST first, and then ported to the C64 at a later date. It seems that the Atari ST version never surfaced also, as nothing can … Continue reading
Thanks to Scott Julian, GTW is proud to present another game saved from oblivion in the shape and form of Starsat. An Australian RPG style game, fully completed, but sadly never released. I’m not too sure of the story behind … Continue reading
Part of an educational series, Star Maze is one of around 6 which is sadly missing and one which may have been released, but is very possible that it didn’t quite make it out. We’re not 100% sure what happened … Continue reading
An early preview of another space shooter comes in the form of "Starhope" by Art Design. Featuring all the titles and interluding screens, the game itself is at quite an early stage with a basic attackwave and main ship to … Continue reading
Stargate Legacy was described as a spectacular graphic adventure from Databyte, which was rumoured to be scripted by the same people who brought “Borrowed Time” to C64 screens and was three years in the making according to the C&G news … Continue reading
Back in the 1980’s, Atarisoft were doing official arcade conversions for the Commodore 64. Stargate was one of them, and we learn of this conversion thanks to Mat Allen who has documented the conversion briefly in Digital Press. Phobos/Ready64 found … Continue reading
Part of a series of Power House titles which never quite saw the light of day, or at least are not picked up in Gamebase 64. Did this game ever get a release? Certainly this title although mentioned in Zzap … Continue reading
A promising sideways SEU, featuring some fair graphics and attackwaves. Originally I heard of Parade’s game from the pages of Commodore Scene magazine, but as time passed, so did any sight of this game. The game isn’t that bad, but … Continue reading
Yet another game in the games explosion, this time a 90’s Space Invaders clone. Being created by some talented German coders, this game promised huge gurdians, new look sprites and tons of power-ups. Very much similar to ‘Mega Starforce’ in … Continue reading
A title which we have somewhat overlooked until someone resurrected the forum post on Lemon 64… Space Talisman (Or Labyrinth as its also known) is an early version of Hero Of The Golden Talisman, which is quite a bit different, … Continue reading
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