A nice looking puzzle game, where you control a hi-res overlayed ball character which follows a path of tiles around a multiscrolling map, avoiding other hi-res overlayed enemies. It’s a little frustrating back tracking paths when creatues start to come … Continue reading →
A surprise finding for GTW in 2012 was made when Richard Bayliss was checking through some loader source files from Paul Hughes’ disks that we backed up recently, and he came across a source code file named “Defender 2”. Richard … Continue reading →
An interesting looking game, which feels a bit like a mixture of Paradroid, Alien Syndrome and Citadel mixed together. The game is currently bugged which you are able to check out, as the droid seems able to move through walls … Continue reading →
Yet another Firebird title which was never to see the light of day, and a rather promising Armalyte kind of game too! Storm Warrior was like Armalyte but with a full colour scroll (something pioneered at Ocean, scrolling the whole … Continue reading →
Stellar 7 – not quite the same vector game which did see the light of day, but a sequel to Hades Nebula that was shelved fairly early on in it’s development after The Bitmap Brother released Xenon. The reason? Well, … Continue reading →
Advertised in many magazines, this was a title being sold by Anik Microsystems… however only two Anik games exist and seem to have been released on the C64. The advert describes the game as follows: "Kirk, Spock and Co. beamed … Continue reading →
Star Tech was producer of some obscure games in the 80’s, mostly imports of some popular Vic 20 titles from Bug Byte. However, they started branching out into the C64 market around 1983 time. In an advert, the following games … Continue reading →
Starship was a fair 3D Wireframe strategy/action game which was being released on the Atari ST first, and then ported to the C64 at a later date. It seems that the Atari ST version never surfaced also, as nothing can … Continue reading →
Thanks to Scott Julian, GTW is proud to present another game saved from oblivion in the shape and form of Starsat. An Australian RPG style game, fully completed, but sadly never released. I’m not too sure of the story behind … Continue reading →
Part of an educational series, Star Maze is one of around 6 which is sadly missing and one which may have been released, but is very possible that it didn’t quite make it out. We’re not 100% sure what happened … Continue reading →
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