Shades Of Evil
Shades of Evil is a game which many of you will never have heard of, due to its almost non-existent publicity when in development. The game was part of a series of 3 games, some of which actually got out … Continue reading
Preserving Cancelled & Unreleased Video Game History Since 1999
Total results: 3563
Shades of Evil is a game which many of you will never have heard of, due to its almost non-existent publicity when in development. The game was part of a series of 3 games, some of which actually got out … Continue reading
Advertised a lot in the magazines and created by Thalion/Grandslam, The Seven Gates Of Jambala is best described as a clone of Son Son II on the PC Engine, and not Super Mario :). The game was released on the … Continue reading
A lot of you will remember seeing this game on the ZZap64 magazine covertape one issue… but it wasn’t specially designed for the magazine…. It was originally programmed for Ocean, but Ocean didn’t like the game as they felt it … Continue reading
A famous sequel to a famous series of games, Solar Jetman was released on the NES platform, and other 8-bit conversions were planned, including the C64 and Spectrum. A little news snippet was mentioned once in Zzap about the conversion … Continue reading
GTW presents a first ever look at another GTW which has been gathering dust for some years now. This time a game by Markus Schneider, who worked at Bones Park and is famous also for his incredible music (Including my … Continue reading
Another title from Alter Developments before bigger things came along. Smash Out is a Pong clone which looks quite nice, and plays ok for a Pong clone. It is nothing spectacular, but it was never mean’t to be. This was … Continue reading
After the many years of enjoyment with Lords of Midnight and Dungeon Master, Thalamus revealed their latest masterpiece The Search for Sharla. The game was to feature a staggering 32,000 views from each direction, sleep option and 512 totally interactive … Continue reading
1985, and Ocean were becoming the biggest UK C64 games company with its popular titles with Martin Galway’s fine music. Ocean, trying to dominate the market, bought licences to make conversions of some great programs, such as Knightrider, Miami Vice … Continue reading
Not worthy probably of individual entries, some of these may exist – but RR Software was one of the companies who popped up in a bedroom when the C64 was dying – very much like Visualize or EBES. The company … Continue reading
Rommel: Battles for Tobruk by Games Designers’ Workshop (GDW) was planned to be a war strategy game, based around four battles fought between the WWII German commander Rommel and the British in North Africa. Our evidence for the Commodore 64 … Continue reading
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