Pimania was an adventure game released very early on back in 1982/83. If you managed to crack the game and interpret the clues correctly – you could work out the time, date and place where someone will be waiting to … Continue reading
Preserving Cancelled & Unreleased Video Game History Since 1999
Total results: 3505
Pimania was an adventure game released very early on back in 1982/83. If you managed to crack the game and interpret the clues correctly – you could work out the time, date and place where someone will be waiting to … Continue reading
Part of an educational series, Picture Parts is one of around 6 which is sadly missing and one which may have been released, but is very possible that it didn’t quite make it out. We’re not 100% sure what happened … Continue reading
Text adventure from Kayde who went into administration at the 26th August 1983. Did Spectrum releases, tried to do C64 and Vic 20 ones, which never seemed to surface. The game in the advert (Two adverts were submitted by Peter … Continue reading
Pharaoh’s Pyramid was a fairly popular game for the Atari in the early 80’s by Master Control Software, and was a rather enjoyable Q-Bert clone. In the advert, it was stated that a Commodore 64 conversion was coming soon … … Continue reading
Dinamic had struck gold with Imagine when they began having their games published on their label. Classics such as Army Moves, and the not so classic Game Over (although the music rocked!).. and also this strange little effort which got … Continue reading
Yet another Ocean title which seems to have got lost along the way from its translation from other formats. In particular from the Spectrum/Amstrad in this case. Phantom Club was a Knightlore style game from the creator of MOVIE, another … Continue reading
Yet another unreleased Codemasters game! … But this time from early on in their life in 1987. Phantomas was to be a conversion of the released spectrum game where you control a robber in a Manic Miner/Dizzy kind of game. … Continue reading
Thanks to the section from Gamebase, a game which they are also searching for, i’m able to produce a strong review for this game. Most sections are borrowed from the Gamebase review, so therefore credits are given at the foot. … Continue reading
PenPalz was a neat little game that was being developed back in Jan 1997 by John Pericos and Nathan Perry – intended for GO64. The idea is simple – draw on the screen as much as you can and try … Continue reading
Pegasus and the Trials of Perseus was yet another early C64 game that got some heavy advertising, but never seemed to quite make it for reasons unknown yet. There were various adverts in magazines at the time, and even a … Continue reading
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