Moreta – Dragon Lady of Pern was to be the sequel to Dragonriders of Pern which was a popular title from the early days of Epyx Software in the Impossible Mission era. The proposed sequel came from the popularity of … Continue reading →
Thanks to Boerge Noest for highlighting this rather obscure game which was mentioned and discussed in Norweigen magazine Mikrodata back in 1984. Apart from a discussion with the developers (In Norweigen at present, but here we go: Page 1, Page … Continue reading →
Advertised in many magazines, this was a title being sold by Anik Microsystems… however only two Anik games exist and seem to have been released on the C64. The advert describes the game as follows: "Your fuel is low, your … Continue reading →
Another of Andrew Rodger’s planned games during the C64’s demise. This was to be released on his own Robotronics label. Sadly the game was never to be, and apart from a single mention in Commodore Format, there was nothing to … Continue reading →
Back in the 1980’s, Atarisoft were doing official conversions for the Commodore 64. Missile Command was one of them! We learn of this conversion thanks to Mat Allen who has documented the conversion briefly in Digital Press. We hope to … Continue reading →
It was thought for many years that “Miner Willy Meets The Taxman” and “Megatree” were the same game, and that the first title was the working title for “Megatree”. Well, after attending a Q/A session with Matthew Smith at a … Continue reading →
Zzap 64 were always a magazine to have a laugh at times, and they did it in style with one particular April edition of Zzap! 64 with this “amazing” looking game introduced one day back in 1986. Here are the … Continue reading →
Don’t laugh, but there was infact going to be a licenced game based on the Milk Tray adverts! It’s true, and none other than C64 Audio legend, Chris Abbott, was to be behind this game, musically at least! At the … Continue reading →
Thanks for Barry Hart, we can confirm that all the Micro Math games were released and can be found under Hayden Software at Gamebase64: Case closed!
A very poor racing game, with one car that goes round monotonously around a single rounded track doing a number of laps. This is far inferior to the much more superior ‘Micro Machines’ by Codemasters. You could put it down … Continue reading →
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