No proper name as such, but confirmation thanks to Vinny Mainolfi, that John Twiddy was working on yet another game for the C64, which was mentioned when interviewed in Zzap 64. In the interview, John mentions that he was working … Continue reading →
Mantronix was due to appear on the C64, along with a release on the CPC, in 1986, sometime after it was first released by Probe Software on the ZX Spectrum. Like so many Spectrum games it failed to ever get … Continue reading →
This game was found out about thanks to Jason Kelk, who pointed me in the direction of the DELTA loader… In that, you will read about forthcoming games on the C64, which includes Starline (See elsewhere) and also Mantrax. I … Continue reading →
Another beat-em-up clone which was planned for the Commodore 64 back in 1990, and another one which never got to see the light of day. Manhattan Dealers was released on the Amiga/ST platforms and was a relative success, but not … Continue reading →
‘Make My Day’ and was another of those Trojan Light Gun games which were being created in the early 90’s as the light phaser games began to get popular. Virgin Mastertronic had already done a series of light gun games, … Continue reading →
Magnox was yet another Cyberdyne game, but one of the more forgotten titles which never saw the light of day. Dan Phillips cannot recall too much about the game, but it is believed to be a vertical shoot-em-up that was … Continue reading →
Magnetic was to be a complex puzzler written by the Magnetica Team which consisted of: Giuseppe Tresoldi – graphics and game designer Omid Ehsani – C64 developer Gerardo Iula – Amiga developer and graphic artist Emiliano Gusmini – ST developer, … Continue reading →
Probe software quietly had in development a game for U.S. Gold called ‘Magic Sword’. This conversion was in fact based on the Capcom arcade of the same name, which was a poor hack and slash affair, in no good comparison … Continue reading →
Magic Carpet was to be a Intellivision game conversion to the C64 by the Mattel Electronics France offices. It was scheduled, but apparently never worked on, though it was given an id of #7860 on diskette. The game was about … Continue reading →
Yet another Demonware game which appeared in the Early Warning scanner pages of Commodore Format. With a rather interesting title, it sounded like something quite special. Nothing was really known about the game, but Games X magazine did a sneak … Continue reading →
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