This was a fairly popular title on the Commodore Amiga back in 1990, and unsurprisingly a C64 conversion was rumoured. The game was kind of a "Running Man" idea, with yourself controlling a ship in a platform/shoot-em-up affair. As with … Continue reading →
Yet another Beyond Belief game which was planned and mentioned in the interview with Jim Scott. Information is a bit scarce, as all we currently know is that the game was to be a horizontally scrolling bike game for one … Continue reading →
Another game which I unfortunately cannot say too much about, due to the game being in German. It seems to be a trading game of somekind, and something i’ve been told is quite a popular type of game in Germany. … Continue reading →
Again from the Commodore Format diaries, another Apex title which fell by the way side. This time, Katapult Kidz, a two player horizontally scrolling arcade adventure based around schoolboys armed with catapults and causing general chaos. The characters were based … Continue reading →
One of the best blasters ever and it’s not too hard to see where the inspiration for Katakis came from. This is a blatant R-Type clone, featuring almost identical backdrops and power-ups, right down to the bolt-on/send-ahead drone that does … Continue reading →
Electric Dreams/Activision seemed to have a bit of a knack of having cancellations, but also games which when eventually released, looked far different to the preview screenshots shown in the press early on. Like with Time Scanner and R-Type, you … Continue reading →
Before you say it… yes we are aware of the 1985 game of the same name by Ariolasoft, but this is a title from 1991 which was mentioned as being developed for the C64 by Linel in Your Commodore issue … Continue reading →
During 1990 when Commodore was planning its launch of the ill fated C64GS console, a string of top developers signed up to support the console and the prospect of ridding of many a horrendous multiload by using the Cartridge format. … Continue reading →
Yet another Cinemaware game which never quite made it on the C64. This time a mobster game based in Chicago, and following the same style of play as with the other Cinemaware releases. As with the SDI title, King Of … Continue reading →
A 3D Operation Wolf style blaster featuring 2000 AD’s Barbie lookalike Psi-Judge Anderson gunning down the evil Judge Death’s zombie hordes. Unlike previous games of this genre, Judge Death actually showed your hand clasping the lethal Lawgiver (gun favoured by … Continue reading →
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