Laser Cycle
Lazer Cycle was a tron clone that was written for the BBC Micro by System 3. For years it has been suggested that C64 version was in production. It was confirmed however in 2015 by Jazzcat and Mark Cale … Continue reading
Preserving Cancelled & Unreleased Video Game History Since 1999
Total results: 3563
Lazer Cycle was a tron clone that was written for the BBC Micro by System 3. For years it has been suggested that C64 version was in production. It was confirmed however in 2015 by Jazzcat and Mark Cale … Continue reading
Could this have been Rob Hubbard’s final C64 swansong?… or is this just vapourware?… A few questions for our next entry, which is based on a popular basketball rivalry. This game was first released on the PC, and then later … Continue reading
This is a series of games which were being released by McGraw-Hill Ryerson Ltd back in 1984 time. Occasionally the games surface on Ebay, and a selection of the games can be found on Gamebase. But sadly these are still … Continue reading
Lunar Jetman was part of a huge classic genre on the Spectrum which spawned a few games by Ultimate featuring the Jetman character. The range of games however never quite made their way onto the C64. Spectrum users had Jetman, … Continue reading
A nice little single screen western OP Wolf style shooter, with the added ability to choose your route of travel. This game was also slightly similiar in some aspects to Tusker. There was to be some puzzle solving elements in … Continue reading
Soon after the success of getting Lethal released under the Alternative label, Neil Kendall got to work on a quick sequel to the game. For reasons currently unknown to GTW, the game never got released and was left sat on … Continue reading
A controversial entry originally, but which was eventually the result of a development which became too difficult for the original team to complete. Hugh Riley and Mark Cale shed light on the original Last Ninja and what happened…. Casting things … Continue reading
And we thought that only Platform Mania and Colditz V1 were the titles we were looking for from Ste Pattullo. Well, we were wrong, and Labyrinths was yet another title which never got to see the light of day, sadly … Continue reading
After sampling the great Rolling Ronny game from BONESPARK, they had much much more in store for our beloved C64’s back in the early 90’s. One such promising title was a conversion of a stunning Amiga German (thanks Teki!) shooter … Continue reading
Yet another Beyond Belief game which was planned and mentioned in the interview with Jim Scott. Information is a bit scarce, as all we currently know is that the game was to be a horizontally scrolling game which was based … Continue reading
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