Kele Line games were a Danish games company, who now are probably most famous for their excellent title, The Vikings. They only released two other games, Tiger Mission and Zyrons Escape, before disappearing into the forgotten mists of C64 nostalgia. … Continue reading →
"Fly Harder" is a graphically superb Thrust clone. Gorgeous screenshots were plastered in C-Format and C-Force and got many excited about its release. Even though it was based on Thrust, it was closer to the NES classic “Solar Jetman”. With … Continue reading →
The quality of the game certainly seems to be at a level of one that would have been pitched around the various software houses at the time, and wasn’t a SEUCK game by any standards. Flik Flak was a good … Continue reading →
Flashpoint was another production of the highly successful Denton Designs for Ocean Software. This was to be a puzzler based game with the screen split into two segments and controlling some kind of pyramid structure. It wasn’t a bad game, … Continue reading →
A quite full preview of another puzzle game which I can’t quite make head or tail about. The game is quite simplistic, with its simplistic graphics and layout, but as for the gameplay, I cannot comment, so can someone else? … Continue reading →
Mentioned in "Illegal" pirate fanzine as something seen at PC 1988 show (or so it seems) by SSD of Cosmos. We don’t know much about this game at present, and there doesn’t seem to be any acknowledgement of the game … Continue reading →
Final Frontier was part of the Wargamers series by PSS and was advertised in their catalogues, but the C64 version has never surfaced by the looks of things and no other version seems to have either. The game was rumoured … Continue reading →
A quick entry until we get more info, but Atari Frog brought this game to our attention. Ubi Soft were advertising the game via a poster which was picked up at a show by Atari Frog and recently discovered. It … Continue reading →
In 2011, Richard Bayliss confirmed that this game was actually finished and released by 64’er, so this one can be closed! Case closed!
From what sounds like a racing game, Fast ‘n’ Furious was infact to be a game based on whizzing across the screen on a magic carpet, where you would have obstacles and monsters to avoid like crazy. The game only … Continue reading →
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