Delve deep into the age of fantasy with a host of intriguing characters that may help or hinder your exploration of this dream world. Retrieve the magnificent Fantasia Diamond recently stolen and rescue Boris the master spy from the imposing … Continue reading →
I was a big fan of the Famous Five adventure based on the first book since Amstrad Action gave it away on their covertape and was dismayed when I found out it was just a one-off. So I thought I’d … Continue reading →
You probably won’t be too surprised to learn that Fairlight 2 was due for the C64 as well as the other platforms. The people who confirm this are The Games Machine, who mention in the Spectrum review that the C64 … Continue reading →
When I originally downloaded this unfinished title, I was thinking “This can’t be the same Fade To Black that I played many years ago on my PC?”… And of course, it wasn’t… Not a 3D based game, but a RPG. … Continue reading →
Fuzzball is another classic GTW case. A great platform game, in which a two level preview (Featuring level one and level 16) was released to the readers of Commodore Format on issue 24. Unfortunately it was to be the Amiga … Continue reading →
It was a graphic adventure game created using GAC for all the 8-bit machines. It was based on an 2000 draft of a sci-fi book series which sees humanity surviving in the 23rd century. The heroes are six random people … Continue reading →
A great little game which never really seemed to fit into the category it was placed under. The game strangely was situated within Binary Zone PD on one of their PD games disks. A game of commercial quality and addictive … Continue reading →
In the early 90’s, the 16-bits were greeted by a new style of adventure game with a character not far off from that of Impossible Mission. Another World and Flashback by Delphine were two of the biggest breakthrough’s of their … Continue reading →
Fears of darkness was the result of a budding programmer at the age of 18 wishing to produce a "Turrican-esq" game. 64er magazine had released Manfred Trenz’s Katakis Development System which was to be the inspiration for Falk to get … Continue reading →
The Eye of Bain was a neat little text adventure created in 1984 by Artic Computing. Advertised for the likes of the Spectrum and the Commodore 64 in various magazines, only the Spectrum version seems to have surfaced. The C64 … Continue reading →
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