Not much to say about this game apart from its little resembelence to "Bear George", with its falling apples. As you can tell, there is little information on this game which never got completed. All that remains currently is a … Continue reading →
Another game in the lost Psytronik game saga, sadly a result of poor support of their titles back in the C64’s dying days. Everwar was another SEUCK title in development by Alf Yngve, and was inspired by Joe Haldeman’s novel … Continue reading →
Now its getting hard… as the reviewing gets bog down, I keep coming across countless shooters, some real stinkers but some like this which look the business for the future, but get thrown away like the trash. Escape From Mars … Continue reading →
Tau Ceti was very well received, and received game of the year awards. Created by Pete Cooke on the Spectrum, John Twiddy was allocated the task of converting to the C64, which he did an excellent job of. Once complete, … Continue reading →
A big thanks to Witold Bryndza who gave us the heads up about this long lost Timsoft which recently had an article published with a download link at C&A Fan. This was a game developed by a team called Artcore … Continue reading →
Following on from the SEUCK based Eradicator 2 which was due for release by CDU, Jason G. Doig was working on a faster paced bi-directional vertical shooter, but moved on to Amiga stuff before it was finished sadly. None of … Continue reading →
Eradicator 2 has been sitting on our Wanted list for some time now, but never had an entry in GTW until the game’s author came forward! The game was advertised in the back pages on a CDU compilation disk under … Continue reading →
A quick entry, but this educational game was advertised early in 1984 in a few magazines as a list of games coming soon from Comm*Data / Channel Software. At the time we knew little about the game or what happened … Continue reading →
After what was an abysmal conversion, Electric Dreams were seemingly keen to make up for some reason. Instead of just forgetting about the conversion, a PCW show (Zzap issue 32) had reports from Electric Dreams about working on a new … Continue reading →
Brought to the attention of GTW by Commodore Zone magazine from their Star Wars special edition. “Empire Strikes Back” is (Surprise Surprise) based on the famous Star Wars film, but is not the official game, but a rather groovy looking … Continue reading →
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