A neat little platformer this one, and something I fondly remember playing from the days of Zzap 64 and their famous megatapes. Created by Zach Townsend (coder of Batman The Movie and Army Moves) after he had left Ocean, Dreamraider … Continue reading →
I’m not a fan of puzzlers, and this game does little to convince me to play more of them. A typical example of what was saturated onto the C64 scene at one point. A word game which i’m uncertain how … Continue reading →
A very big thanks to Mauricio Muñoz Lucero for highlighting this one for us. Dr Bazair ’92 is a game which has recently surfaced thanks to the author of Warhawk digging out his unreleased software whilst he develops the new … Continue reading →
Two games essentially, but we’ve decided to create just the one entry for this one. Drax – Evilblood was produced mostly for fun it seems in its first instance, developed by Mark Gallagher with Ed Campbell on graphics. Previously the … Continue reading →
Created by Hans Ippisch who was interviewed in an old magazine. A question posed to him was about any unfinished projects which were gathering dust. His reply was that he had started on a game called “Dragon Slayer”, which only … Continue reading →
Well, there was rumours of Space Ace being converted to the C64 by Empire, which were confirmed… but we can also reveal that a deal was being hammered out with Sullivan Bluth to bring Dragons Lair 2: Timewarp to the … Continue reading →
I remember Dragon’s Kingdom very well – sadly for the wrong reasons though, but it was in Commodore Format (Around issue 11/12) where the game got quite a panning by the reviewers for being a poor Ghost n Goblins clone. … Continue reading →
A new GTW entry as suggested by Dumbflag… Doomsday Blues is described as follows (thanks to www.cpcgamesreviews.com) "Known as Eden Blues to French readers, this is another adventure action game from ERE. You’re a prisoner who tries to escape from … Continue reading →
The source of this next entry is interesting as it was mentioned in "Illegal" pirate fanzine as something seen at PC 1988 show (or so it seems) by SSD of Cosmos. Dondra was actually released on other machines like the … Continue reading →
Straight from the success of Last Ninja and just after the release of R-Type in the arcades, Mark Cale decided that he wanted to really see a R-Type C64 clone with graphics by Hugh Riley. The result was to eventually … Continue reading →
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