Direct Death

A early preview of what looks like a Moon Patrol clone, with no obstacles or enemies as of yet. Apart from a nice title screen, the game is quite lacking at the moment, with a simple car which moves left … Continue reading
Preserving Cancelled & Unreleased Video Game History Since 1999
Total results: 3563
A early preview of what looks like a Moon Patrol clone, with no obstacles or enemies as of yet. Apart from a nice title screen, the game is quite lacking at the moment, with a simple car which moves left … Continue reading
A very oddly named title which was to be released by the brother of RR Software head Rowan Veale. The game was created by Lyndon Veale and was a simple static shooter which was written over the top of Slap … Continue reading
Digital is another puzzle game, and one which I haven’t had chance to try and figure out. If anyone can shed light on what the game is about, please let me know :) It is a Polish game by Nostalgia … Continue reading
A preview of an up and coming game by Italian giants Simulmondo in 1992. Not much is known about the game, apart from the main character was based from an old Italian comic, called Diabolik. The character was a thief … Continue reading
Now I can remember when this game first came about 10 years ago. After trying to locate my 10 year old site pages on Super Fighter for another entry, I discovered a news item I wrote on Lasse’s 8 directional … Continue reading
Yet another licensed game which never made it, but a more low key company had this title. The game was previewed in an issue of Commodore User magazine in 1986. All that is known about this game is that in … Continue reading
Another game from D-Lite, which unfortunatly doesn’t offer to much new to the user in terms of gameplay or style. Its another game on a still screen with the falling ship wave syndrome… how many more do we need? Anyway, … Continue reading
Another interesting GTW entry this time which has information collaborated from Fabrizio and also Bonaventura Di Bello, famous co-founder of Brainstorm Enterprise. Death Workshop (Also known in Italian as La bottega della morte) was to be a text adventure game … Continue reading
In issue 24 of Commodore User, it was mentioned briefly that Tony Crowther was working on Death Star Interceptor II for Domark. A bit of a false alarm that, as Tony Crowther confirms in 2009 that it wasn’t him – … Continue reading
Death Pit was advertised in various magazines for various machines including the Commodore 64. The game involved battling through a labyrinth of mines and corridors, containing Bats, mutant life forms, flooded corridors and rocky paths to dig through. The advert … Continue reading
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