Dark Sceptre
The source of this next entry is interesting as it was mentioned in “Illegal” pirate fanzine as something seen at PC 1988 show (or so it seems) by SSD of Cosmos. Dark Sceptre was a game by Mike Singleton which … Continue reading
Preserving Cancelled & Unreleased Video Game History Since 1999
Total results: 3563
The source of this next entry is interesting as it was mentioned in “Illegal” pirate fanzine as something seen at PC 1988 show (or so it seems) by SSD of Cosmos. Dark Sceptre was a game by Mike Singleton which … Continue reading
Danse Macabre is a french game that was rumoured to have been released back in 1986 by Funlight Software. There is a wiki article talking about the game, and rumours that someone from a French Atari forum saw the game … Continue reading
An old CNET style game with simple rocks to avoid in this sideways SEU. By the same guys who created "Crackmania", also in the archives and incomplete. This game doesn’t seem to be built for the purpose of selling, but … Continue reading
Again thanks to Cybergoth, we are able to mention yet another Activision game which has not seen the light of day, and one which has a lot of mystery surrounding it… mainly because we’ve never bloody heard of it until … Continue reading
Not to be confused with Dandy released by Electric Dreams, but more a game based on the very popular Comic Book. Advertised as coming soon in early 1989 on the Commodore 64 – this title was mentioned in small print … Continue reading
Yes, of course… Dandy was actually released by Electric Dreams, but did you know that in fact the original developer was not to be Nick Pelling, but the Ram Jam Corporation? This updated version of the classic Dandy game on … Continue reading
We all know about the famous Dan Dare game by Virgin on the C64 with its excellent Comic Book style gameplay. Even now the game is quite brilliant and hasn’t aged badly at all. In speaking with Andy Wilson recently, … Continue reading
A GREAT Amiga game which was also planned for the GREAT 64.. Paul Woakes work previously has been to a VERY high standard and his sequel to Mercenary was the most awaited game in 1988. The shots in loads of … Continue reading
Damned is a fairly simple preview (at its current stage) of a walker robot which moves around the screen quite freely, flying around I think because it hasn’t been yet programmed to just walk along the foot of the screen. … Continue reading
A pretty big turn up for the books when Ramos gave GTW the heads up about this game. Mark Gallagher is already known to GTW thanks to his other game Shylock which was uncovered, but on a set of pages … Continue reading
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