Deadzone was a conversion of a Spectrum title by Ste Cork back in 1988, and was a vertical scrolling SEU with software sprites for the bullets. The game was actually completed and featured Martin Holland’s possibly first graphic work. The … Continue reading →
Many of you will remember the rather bizarre game by the title of "Deus Ex Machina", created by Mel Croucher and coded on the C64 by Colin Jones. This was a game of life, and wasn’t like anything really seen … Continue reading →
Darius + was advertised in various magazines, and was advertised by The Edge for all machines, including the Commodore 64. The game is a conversion of a popular arcade by Taito, and eventually did surface on the Amiga, Spectrum ( … Continue reading →
Dragonfly Attack is a title which was submitted to us many moons ago, but we never got round to adding due to various things going on at university at the time, and it got a release anyway. It is an … Continue reading →
Now this is a GTW that has gone down in history as one of the most eagerly wanted games to appear on the C64 in some form. For many years we have been taunted with the fantastic screenshots from Zzap … Continue reading →
NOTE: This game is (c) Warner Bros, and is distributed freely without any profit as part of a digital preservation project. With thanks to David A Palmer productions ( “Daffy Duck – And The Great Paint Caper” was to be … Continue reading →
According to Commodore User September 1988 in their PC Show 88 preview, Activision had secured the rights for Corland Technology’s Cyber Tank game. We did a bit of research, and found it. At present hte game is not yet full … Continue reading →
Now for something a little different for GTW, as this special entry is more a Intro That Weren’t than a Game That Wasn’t. As you well know, the Rowlands were two famous C64 developers, creating the fab Creatures series and … Continue reading →
So this is where Drew (Terminus) Rodger got to.. After his musical exploits for Zeppelin and Virgin, Drew turned his attention to the games market as the scene dwindled away. At the time, Commodore Format featured a huge games explosion. … Continue reading →
Another game in the archives. Thanks to Richard Bayliss, we learn that the game preview appeared on Commodore Scene issue 13 cover disk and was made in 1995 by Violent Flower Software. All that seems to remain of it is … Continue reading →
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