You may be shocked to know, but there were two versions of Crystal Castles in development – both before the U.S. Gold release in later years. Atarisoft were doing an official conversion themselves back in the early 80’s of Crystal … Continue reading →
After completing work on the unreleased ATG and doing work for BMX Kidz, Paul Docherty was assigned to another Telecomsoft based title, this time a cheeky Super Mario Bros clone called Crucial Bros which was to be released by Silverbird … Continue reading →
Our next entry is based on a sequel of a popular Cricket game which was planned by D&H Games, but never quite made it to the crease. There was to be a sequel and international version, and this was advertised … Continue reading →
Yet another Titus title which was mentioned in a schedule list from 1990 for the C64 on Tape and Disk (And later cart!). We know very little about the game though sadly – as there is no sign of any … Continue reading →
All you will get so far with this game, is a picture and logo, with an arrow which moves, but can’t interact at all with the background. This is unplayable, and there is nothing to indicate what this game is … Continue reading →
Back in 1996, an enthusiastic Wayne Wormersley got working with Jon Wells on a title called Crash Course. The game was to be a sort of update to the classic Spectrum/Ultimate title ‘Trans Am’, or at least based on the … Continue reading →
I honestly can’t see the point of this game, mainly because its so unplayable it sucks. You control a little blue blob which has to move through the maze without touching anything. But this is difficult in itself, as some … Continue reading →
A first version of Crackdown was indeed in production, with code being done by Mark Kelly before he later went on to working on Golden Axe. We are not sure quite what happened here, but we know that Bob Stephenson … Continue reading →
Cow Pat Frisbee V1 is another creation from Richard Bayliss and another game not to be completed or released. However this game did eventually get a release which was much different from this earlier version that Richard had planned. Richard … Continue reading →
Covert Action was a new Sid Meier game from back in the early days and following the success of Microprose’s earlier Pirates game. The game was announced as a title coming soon for the Commodore 64 back in 1988 in … Continue reading →
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