Dungeons and Dragons was a gaming phenomena that started in the 1970s when historical gaming enthusiasts, Gary Gygax created his own rules to tabletop battlefield gaming and focused it on a small group of heroes sneaking into a castle. The … Continue reading →
A little puzzle game which was planned for the popular German games magazine, Magic Disk. This preview features 5 levels of puzzle shuffling to represent the pictures supplied with the puzzle. This is by no means a new idea. A … Continue reading →
Brought to my attention by Jason Kelk, AD Infinitum is a early version of W.A.R which was released by Martech in 1986. You may wonder what a game like this is doing in the GTW archives, but you will notice … Continue reading →
This entry originally began as a possible V1 hunt, but it has been confirmed that Finlay indeed programmed the version we all know (and love?). However, a recent conversation with Wayne Billingham showed that a Cartridge version was being produced. … Continue reading →
From the publishers of Polar Pierre was to be a new title called Adam Caveman, another platform game with cute large characters. Bizarrely this title never had a release, and still remains at large today. What happened? An advert was … Continue reading →
A little demo created for an Acid C64 party which was created in about 4 hours in a small tent, with various extras added. Its not a lot, it features a Commodore Symbol which shoots sperm type bullets at the … Continue reading →
“The Devil has invaded your coastal village, and has kidnapped the village population. As the village priest, you alone must defeat the devil and rescue your flock. A main road goes through the village, but don’t expect anyone to stop … Continue reading →
Text adventure from Kayde who went into administration at the 26th August 1983. Did Spectrum releases, tried to do C64 and Vic 20 ones, which never seemed to surface. The game in the advert (Two adverts were submitted by Peter … Continue reading →
Another poker game, with an element of women in it… After the dire Sam Fox Strip Poker game, companies still persisted to create a ultimate strip poker game. A bit after the C64’s commercial death, Martin Olsen attempted his own … Continue reading →
Another briefly mentioned title from the pages of Zzap 64. Ace Attacker was a planned conversion of a Sega Volleyball simulator. Zzap November 1988 had to say the following… “Mediagenic have announced the signing of licenses for five SEGA coin-ops, … Continue reading →
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