A nice little sideways SEU created by Ashley Routledge and Dave Saunders (Ash and Dave). Featuring some neat (if strange) parallax scrolling and graphics, this game isn’t bad at all. Although it’s no Armalyte, its still a decent game and … Continue reading →
Yet another Alternative Software game, and this time based on the popular BBC series of the late 80’s and early 90’s, ‘Allo ‘Allo. This was a comedy set in France during World War Two, and featured a bald French character. … Continue reading →
Not much to say about this game, which intrigues the archives of GTW. Apart from the fact that Virtual Factor were behind this space SEU, there is nothing much else that can be said. A simple single screen shooter, with … Continue reading →
A short entry for our next GTW. This is one of the first mentions of the Alien VS Predator franchise which Activision first started out with. Commodore Format first talked about plans of Activision to produce a game for the … Continue reading →
This rather bizzarely named game was first reviewed in Home Computer Weekly on the 29th November 1983 and was priced at £7.50. The game was a text adventure game, and seemed to be sold from home. The address given in … Continue reading →
Another title from the Twilight guys, Harold Klink and Martijn Althuizen. Alfred J Kwak is a promising title, which although in a very early development stage, looks like a rather good Mario/Fred’s Back clone with a duck as the main … Continue reading →
A strange, but cute looking game with a well drawn fish as the main character. Similar to the underwater levels of Donkey Kong Country on the SNES, if you want to compare to other games. There is little in the … Continue reading →
Another game with not much information. A promising game however, featuring elements of an old favourite from the past, Combat from the Atari 2600. This two player game features two tanks for which you can choose the weapons to arm … Continue reading →
A rather cool GTW entry this time, and luckily one which you are easily able to download and play for yourself. So no search required here, but an entry none-the-less for this interesting little shooter which we think was developed … Continue reading →
Albyon was a game promising to be what Ultima was and a whole lot more. In an issue of ASM 12/88 (As highlighted to GTW by Zeldin), there was an article about the game’s creators (The authors of “Die Fugger“), … Continue reading →
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