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Already GTW pays host to a number of Ultimate games which never saw the light of day, and we bring yet another title which seems to have been considered for the C64 at some point. Where we had Lunar Jetman … Continue reading
Preserving Cancelled & Unreleased Video Game History Since 1999
Total results: 3563
Already GTW pays host to a number of Ultimate games which never saw the light of day, and we bring yet another title which seems to have been considered for the C64 at some point. Where we had Lunar Jetman … Continue reading
A very short entry for now for a game that was one of many that never quite made it from Crystal Software back in the later end of the 90’s. This game was an adventure game (We assume text adventure) … Continue reading
A big thanks to Martin / Stadium 64 ( for highlighting this interesting entry. 720 degrees was released in the UK by US Gold, and also in the USA by Mindscape a year later. Two completely different versions. However the … Continue reading
Crystal Software and Electronics were an ambitious software house trying to save the C64 gaming market back in 1997 with a large range of planned releases. Sadly it wasn’t to be, and as with other companies – it was found … Continue reading
A bit of an unknown title this time for the archives, and not one we can write too much about at the moment. More research required and hopefully some scans. It seems that the game was some kind of Army … Continue reading
Plucked from the advert pages of Computer and Video Games comes this intriguing racing game entitled 3D Formula One by Knightsoft. We do not know much about the game, but it seems that all that was ever mentioned was the … Continue reading
More from Mastertronic, this time from Binary Design who did a number of titles for the budget label. Speedboat Assassin was being worked on by Paul Gill and Haydn Dalton. Hayden was doing the graphics, with Paul Gill on the … Continue reading
3 Days In Carpathia was originally thought to be a sequel to the popular Valkyrie 17 game by George Stone and The Ram Jam Corp. A text adventure, which was written using “The Biro” and featuring character set screens, livened … Continue reading
In development for Elite, this was one of Mark Kelly’s first games being developed and was based on an ancient arcade game of the same name. It was American football and was to be another Elite arcade conversion. For reasons … Continue reading
January 1989, and Compute Gazette published two Origin System game adverts, “Times Of Lore” and “2400 AD”. Times Of Lore made it, well known for its amazing Martin Galway music. Unfortunately, it was not to be for the other game. … Continue reading
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