
A short entry for a title which has been unearthed thanks to Csaba Virag, and a Tron clone which doesn’t seem to be within the archives (well, at least we couldn’t find it!). It’s quite a neat clone, and all … Continue reading
Preserving Cancelled & Unreleased Video Game History Since 1999
Total results: 3563
A short entry for a title which has been unearthed thanks to Csaba Virag, and a Tron clone which doesn’t seem to be within the archives (well, at least we couldn’t find it!). It’s quite a neat clone, and all … Continue reading
2006 Player One Limited Platform: Mobile J2ME A short entry for a Java Platform mobile conversion of a classic platformer title that many of us know and love. Nebulus (or Tower Toppler as known in other regions) was about to … Continue reading
1991 Codemasters Platform: ZX Spectrum 128k Also known as Diz564, our next entry isn’t technically an ‘unreleased game’ – but an ‘unreleased cut down version of a released game’. Spellbound Dizzy was one of Dizzy’s last adventures on the ZX … Continue reading
1984 Atarisoft Platform: BBC Micro The BBC Micro sadly hasn’t been graced with a huge number of official arcade conversions, but we have seen many different clones and even a Bubble Bobble conversion that never saw the light of day. … Continue reading
There have been numerous updates to Bruce Lee (the classic Datasoft game from 1984) over the years, and there was also once another from Andrea Schincaglia and Saul Cross in 2014. A sooped up version of the original game with … Continue reading
2008 BigBig Studios Platform: Sony PlayStation 2 Pursuit Force: Extreme Justice was released back in late 2007/early 2008 on the Sony PlayStation Portable to mixed reviews. However, also in production was a PS2 edition which would sadly never see the … Continue reading
Not to be confused with the game from 2001 with the same name, this particular Twintris was a Digital Marketing game that was due out in 1990. There is a brilliant article about the history of the game by Joachim … Continue reading
1994 Ocean Software Platforms: Commodore Amiga 500, 600 and 1200 Yet another Ocean Software title goes into the GTW archive, and this time a conversion of Electronic Arts’ Skitchin’, which had been released on the SEGA Megadrive the same year, … Continue reading
1993-1994 Hot-Shot Entertainments Platforms: Commodore Amiga, PC, SEGA Mega Drive and Super Nintendo Our next entry into the archives is a bizarre title which seems to have got around in various magazines, and across a number of platforms – each … Continue reading
1983 SEGA Platform: Atari 2600 (possibly VIC-20 and others too – unconfirmed) Team member Fabrizio Bartoloni recently brought to my attention a very intriguing title which SEGA announced as part of their first line up of games for various home … Continue reading
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