Thanks for the heads up from Jazzcat – Super Elite was a game that was mentioned in Danish Magazine IC RUN Nov/Dec 1988. It was briefly mentioned as being developed, from a newsletter from Starvision’s owner Ivan Sølvason. Sadly there … Continue reading →
We’re probably stretching things I know – but its been reported that there was a version of Gemini Wing in existance that had two players in total. Zzap 64 reported it a month before the game’s review and release, where … Continue reading →
A short entry for a title that was flagged up thanks to Ross Sillifant. Gung-Ho! was a title that was drawn up and story-boarded by Tim Best, which was set in the jungle and lots of shooting. Activision managed to … Continue reading →
Our next game in the archives comes thanks to Genesis Project, who recently compiled up an abandoned project and released it. This was an abandoned college project from 2002. Rather than let it rot away, the developer put it all … Continue reading →
A very short entry for a potential conversion of a popular Amiga game by Psygnosis. USER magazine back in October 1990 had listed the C64 version as being one of the available formats, so was this true at all? We’ve … Continue reading →
Thanks to Jarrod Bentley, we have learnt about yet another Codemasters title that was never released on the C64 – and making the original Commodore Scene story in 1996/97 about there being 22 unreleased Codemasters games looking more and more … Continue reading →
The Horsekiller is a game by Robert Olessak, which is an unfinished sequel to his game called The Galleon. Sadly, only an intro was developed for the game – but an impressive intro it is! Maybe the programmer had ran … Continue reading →
Many people who grew up in the 1980’s and the UK will remember the late Bob Monkhouse, who was the game show and comedy king for many decades. He was so famous, that not even the C64 could escape his … Continue reading →
A surprise title next to put into the GTW archives – but one where sadly we may never see the full potential. Croc was to be a very very late title on the C64 from Ash and Dave – approximately … Continue reading →
Ok, i’m at the risk of stretching things a bit too much – but I thought it would be a nice inclusion into the archive to show a slightly different preview of Flimbo’s Quest. Ah well, sod it! :) This … Continue reading →
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