A surprise entry into the GTW64 archives thanks to the work of Fix, Bieno, Pugsy, Jazzcat Single Extreme Freedom was to be a strategic game developed by Alice Software Studio from between 1992 and 1994. It featured action and interactive … Continue reading →
The Pinz is a cool Othello game with some neat graphics and music, being produced by Lost Generation back in 1995 time. Overall the game was looking very promising indeed, and was likely to be part of a last wave … Continue reading →
This interesting dual scrolling title was written by the brother (?) of musician Nigel Grieve, but didn’t seem to have any company attached to it. Was it intended for Hewson maybe? Well, thanks to contributor Gaetano Chiummo, it has been … Continue reading →
A very small entry for what was an earlier edition of 3D Pool being written for Firebird, by none other than Paul Hughes. Nick Pelling had just completed the BBC Micro edition, and Paul was taken in by the amazing … Continue reading →
Our next entry is a rather interesting Maniac Mansion style game written by Francois Blanchette back in 1986. The game in 2014 has been resurrected in its final state in 1992, restored and properly named by Atlantis/F4CG. Unfortunately this is … Continue reading →
Another title gets added to the archive of Firebird/Silverbird games that never were. This time with a conversion of a pretty naff Gauntlet clone in the shape of Droidz from the Zx Spectrum platform. The game was royally panned in … Continue reading →
Yet another Thalamus title goes into the archives after a feature in Zzap Italia on the company. Here it was mentioned that Restrictor was coming to the C64 – with the following (translated thanks to Luca Bertoldi): “Arc decided to … Continue reading →
Outpost was to be a new game from a new software house called Frontier Games. The game was briefly mentioned in a news item by ACE magazine for issue 16 in 1989. The preview shows a screenshot, which could very … Continue reading →
Flight Deck 2 was a cool flight sim game which was released by Aackosoft back in 1986 on the MSX. However, a C64 version was clearly planned, maybe even completed, as the C64 is clearly labelled on the MSX’s packaging. … Continue reading →
A very small entry for a title which we are not entirely sure as of yet if a C64 version was ever on the cards. The Light Corridor was a first person puzzle game released by Infogrames on the Spectrum, … Continue reading →
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