A short entry now for a title highlighted to us by Baracuda and which he had compiled as part of a James Hastings-Trew slideshow in 2023. James had produced a loading screen for a title called The Stock Exchange, which … Continue reading →
As summer starts to near the end, we continue to squeeze out more updates for the C64 archive – which seems to have no end in sight! Check out the following updates for August: Early Karl Hörnell game found Karl … Continue reading →
Next up is a strange edutainment game called Sakkozo Elefant, which roughly translates to “Chess Elephant”, a game where you are taught chess by an elephant. It seems to have been written in a mixture of German and Hungarian, so … Continue reading →
An interesting early pong clone up next for the GTW64 archives, which was created by Hungarian programmer Balazs Kar. The game was dug out thanks to Csaba Virag, and Balazs has confirmed that this is as far as he ever … Continue reading →
Our friends at Atarimania.com have informed us of a recent discovery of an unreleased text adventure for the Atari called The Connoiseur. A game that was intended for release by Synapse Software in 1984. The game was archived by the … Continue reading →
1993 Grandslam Platforms: Commodore Amiga and PC Realms of Darkness was billed as a role-playing game for people who hated role-playing games. As well as an isometric Populous-style viewpoint for its RPG features, there would also be a side view … Continue reading →
Puzzle Mania is a very early development by Karl Hörnell in 1984, way before his Player Software days. The game is a simple puzzle shuffle game and was created in BASIC. The title was found and preserved by Hedning and … Continue reading →
Another very quick entry to the archives which has been highlighted by Hedning. All we know is that the game was a cartridge game that was due out in 1984 by Tigervision. We know very little else at this stage, … Continue reading →
A very quick entry for another MMG Micro game that we know very little about. It is thanks to collector John Christian Lønningdal that we learn about the title. The game was released, and it seems offered up for auction … Continue reading →
1999 Insomnia Platform: Commodore Amiga (and later PC) In Thalimar: Land of Chaos, you control a powerful mage – a servant of darkness who wants to take over and burn villages, kill innocent people, and carry out other unceremonious acts … Continue reading →
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