When the C64 was dying out commercially, Jon Wells was trying to flood the C64 with new releases. One of his ideas was to take the entire back catalogue of Clive Wilson adventure titles and update them with new graphics, … Continue reading →
When the C64 was dying out commercially, Jon Wells was trying to flood the C64 with new releases. One of his ideas was to take the entire back catalogue of Clive Wilson adventure titles and update them with new graphics, … Continue reading →
It was in 1983 that a company called Bram Software released a game called Zombies for the Atari 800, which was later released as Realm of Impossibility by Electronic Arts. What is odd though, that although the game exists as … Continue reading →
A very quick entry, but Coloris was to be a Columns clone which got good ratings on the Amiga platform. CVG issue 100 stated that the coders at Avesoft were working hard at getting together C64 and PC conversions of … Continue reading →
Whilst flicking through an old Sinclair User magazine from May 1985, Mark R Jones spotted an advert for World Series Baseball, which listed a game called Key To Success as coming soon for the Commodore 64. This is the first … Continue reading →
Yet another obscure game, this time by an obscure company called “Mushroom”… Who I don’t think lasted particularly long. Dune Buggy is not to be confused with the Corbis game of the same name, and has you trying to escape … Continue reading →
A quick entry to cover yet another title which we are not quite sure if it actually got a release, or if it only sneaked out in small numbers. Muncher was listed as a 100% machine code game making good … Continue reading →
A very quick entry to cover a title which is currently at large. Jeeps is an educational game which was advertised in an 1984 May edition of Home Computer Weekly. The game was to be distributed by Regency Software, but … Continue reading →
Lemonoids was to be a sort of sequel to the puzzler Stratagos, which also didn’t sadly get released. The game had lemons with faces that had to be re-arranged in particular way. Andrew believes he probably spent more time doing … Continue reading →
A small entry for a SEUCK effort which never quite got to see the light of day, produced by Andrew Rodger (famous for Terminus and many tunes on the C64, such as Arnie 2). The game was completed, though never … Continue reading →
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