Sphere is a sideways scrolling shooter, with collidable mountainous objects. Similar to Sanxion a little, with the ability to accellerate the scrolling. The game was started in 1987 by Ian and Michael Jones, in the hope of quickly pushing the … Continue reading →
Recon is a sort of cross between Uridium and Paradroid, where you control a ship moving over a dreadnought horizontally – but not flying. The game was started in the hope of quickly pushing the demo around publishers to get … Continue reading →
Victory! is a vertical push scroll game where you must control a tank and blast through various obstacles. It got to a fair stage of progress and was shaping up pretty well. The game was started in 1986 by Ian … Continue reading →
Well, thanks to David Wightman – we learn of yet another C64GS title that never quite made it. Rolling Thunder was to be a title developed for either Ocean or US Gold (To be confirmed) by Imagitec. David remembers seeing … Continue reading →
A quick entry for another game being developed by Tony Gibbs. Tony will hopefully fill us in very soon with more information on the game. Basically, all we know at present was that Bloo! was to be a Pacman clone … Continue reading →
Biz was a game that was written by Alex Aris back in 1989, and was based on a modified version of a game called Street Bomber done by Tony Rushbrook in October 1984 (Commodore Horizons). The game was a Blitz … Continue reading →
This is nothing to do with the Anco game series of the same name, but this particular Kick Off game was to be a conversion of the Jaleco coin-op from 1988, suggesting that this game was due for release around … Continue reading →
A very quick entry which was picked up upon by browsing through Thomas Mogensen’s work directory in HVSC. Within the directory are a large number of tunes for a game called Firefighter, which obviously must have been about firefighting. So … Continue reading →
Another game, another title which was never really mentioned in the press – probably because this was a submission to a magazine, rather than a full commercial game it seems. This game was discovered on a disk in Darren Melbourne’s … Continue reading →
Now then, our next entry is a title which was never advertised in the press or mentioned. It was highlighted to us when Andrew Morris (Magnetic Fields graphic artist, who did graphics for Kikstart 2, Lotus 2 and many others) … Continue reading →
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