Ski Run

Confirmed as released (thanks to Steven Flanagan) and can be found via Gamebase64: Case closed!
Preserving Cancelled & Unreleased Video Game History Since 1999
Total results: 3563
Confirmed as released (thanks to Steven Flanagan) and can be found via Gamebase64: Case closed!
A quick entry for a game we know very little about, apart from a few mentions in various demos that was produced by Hookie/Cosine. The demos were Mega Muzak and Bouncing Kerzonkas, and the game was discussed by Hookie within … Continue reading
XS was a game being developed by Graham Hunter and Paul Docherty in 1987. The idea was to be a Defender based game, with a fast side-scrolling shooter where you rescue civilians from sewers and street scenes whilst shooting aliens. … Continue reading
Cyclone was to be a helicopter game released by Ocean Software in the UK back around 1985. It was produced by Tony Pomfret shortly after Hunchback 2 was released. The first we hear of the game was from Martin Galway … Continue reading
A very very quick entry which was first mentioned in a Maniacs of Noise release list by Charles Deenen. Trucc was scheduled to have a tune composed by MAD (Marcel Donne), but it seems it never happened. The game was … Continue reading
Now then, Mr Chip Software treated us to some brilliant C64 games – the Kikstart series, Humdinger, Super Scramble and many more. Of course along the way there was bound to be some casualties, and Speed Sprinter is one of … Continue reading
Plum Duff was a Christmas game being produced by Jason C Brooke, before he fully broke into pure music development. It was 1985, and after producing an unreleased music tool for Melbourne House in 1984 – he produced the Plum … Continue reading
Conquest was a game being written by a guy called Sean Huxter on the C128 in Commodore BASIC 7. The game was to be a turn-space combat game, and according to Sean – was actually written. It is yet to … Continue reading
Zynon is another long lost game this time from Ian and Mic. It originally was not known what the game was about, but we can confirm thanks to Rob Whitaker that is was indeed the preview already in Gamebase: … Continue reading
A strange name, but a very nice and colourful bomberban clone. Zwei Bereten is a two player bomberman clone, featuring some very snazzy and colourful graphics, wonderful titles and screens aswell for extra polish. Sonically just as impressive too :) … Continue reading
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