Thanks to Wayne Wormsley for highlighting this one! Super Fighter was a PC based fighting game ( which became pretty popular, and so much so that a Demo group were looking to convert it to the C64. In an issue … Continue reading →
Another game we’d better start looking for, and one which might be slightly harder for me being in the UK. Super C (Or Super Contra/Super Commandos) is a US only release it seems and one which had it been released … Continue reading →
A game once released on the cover of Zzap 64 back in the day, a cool galaxian type game by the creators of Orcus and possibly using some of its sprites. Haydn said this about the game… "Me, Mike Ager … Continue reading →
In the early 90’s, quite a few games were mentioned for UK release by Italian company “Idea”, and quite a few did actually make it over here… Apart from Sturmtruppen. Sturmtruppen was described as a sort of Midnight Resistance style … Continue reading →
“Strobe” is a new addition to GTW, in which at the time, not a lot of information was known. The game was an up and coming Pong style game set in the future, and the preview in the wild was … Continue reading →
A great little finding which has come to GTW thanks to Roberto Nicoletti. Steel Robot was produced by Italian Simone Balestra who programmed Clik Clak for Idea Software in the early 90’s. It was the result of a conversation with … Continue reading →
More Apex, more unreleased works now in the form of Squish, a 4 way scrolling isometric squashing game. Possibly similar to Maze Mania, with the aim to squash creatures and have their blood change the colour of tiles. Apparently very … Continue reading →
Briefly mentioned in a magazine from the mid 80’s, there was apparently plans for a 4th game in the Spy Vs Spy series. The third game ends with our two spys being blasted into space. Therefore the theme of the … Continue reading →
Rather strange named game, short for Super Powered Urban Device, our next entry is a rather strange SEU where you control a helicopter seemingly in space. It’s very similiar in some ways to the bizzare Airwolf 2 game (Which was … Continue reading →
Quite early, and a poor mismatch of graphics and sound mixed into this preview. The game feels like a random set of graphics and sprites bolted together to make a quick game. There doesn’t seem to be much about it, … Continue reading →
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