Very quick entry, but mentioned in a 1997 edition of Commodore Scene was that a company called Project 64 were working on 4 full price titles Unfortunately we no nothing about the games themselves, maybe you know more? Very very … Continue reading →
This is one of the strangest games i’ve seen on a C64, mainly because of its originality of having a 2D sprite as the main character, and 3D vectors as the enemies. Pro-Does features different vector shapes which have to … Continue reading →
Will Wright, creator of Sim City and The Sims, started his career on the C64 with Raid on Bungeling Bay. (There is one theory that he got the idea for Sim City from creating the maps for RoBB.) According to … Continue reading →
Priceless scrolls was being sold as a "A Scripture Treasure Hunt Game Based on Biblical Principles" in a 1992 issue of RUN magazine from the US. The game was sold on disk, but it seems that this is one that … Continue reading →
An interesting title brought to my attention from a reader of, Avram Dumitrescu. This is a kind of frogger clone which was developed for Adventure International by a guy called Russ Wetmore. A review of the released Atari game … Continue reading →
Prehistorik is a platforming game from Titus which is a sort of Caveman Ninja/Chuck Rock clone of sorts that did fairly well on the Amiga platform. In the German magazine "ASM", issue 7/91, there was a double page advert for … Continue reading →
Populous was a groundbreaking game from the mind of Peter Molyneux, which was still around the time that the C64 was going strong still. Of course, it posed the question of whether a C64 conversion would be on the cards. A … Continue reading →
Police Quest was the first of a trilogy written by former officer Jim Walls. It centered on you controlling Officer Sonny Bonds who had to solve various murders and drug cases. This was a favourite on the Amiga and it … Continue reading →
A colourful single screen platform adventure game comes in the form of a oddly named game ‘Pluff’… Named after the blobby main character who has to go around various rooms collecting various objects, in classic JSW style action. The game … Continue reading →
A tragic tale for this title, where Plotting was in fact fully completed and even reviewed by the top C64 magazines at the time. The game was planned for Cartridge release, to allow for instantaneous action and plenty of graphical … Continue reading →
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