Monster Museum was mentioned in March 1989 of The Games Machine as coming soon with the following blurb – “Other games on Palace’s mean menu include Monster Museum, an arcade adventure with graphics by Gary Carr and main programming by … Continue reading →
Another V1 title, with an interesting story behind it too! It was always wondered by Andrew Fisher if originally Antony Crowther’s “Challenge of the Gobots” game was something else before. Well we now have confirmation thanks to Andrew that the … Continue reading →
This isn’t much of a game, but in some way I actually like it. You control a very colourful glow-worm type creature, which flys through a colourful set of parallax stars backdrop. You must collect as many of the objects … Continue reading →
Another GTW entry and yet another Codemasters non-release to go into the vault. Mission Jupiter is not a late title like CJ’s 4th, but infact a very early Codemasters game which was being converted from the Spectrum original by Derek … Continue reading →
This game was being created by Richard Kay (who later started Software Creations) and Hugh Riley. The game also was to feature music by Peter Clarke. It was a non scrolling platform game on a spaceship with evil monsters that … Continue reading →
Another GTW game from the 80’s, created by a company who call themselves ‘Backroom Software’, so obviously this wasn’t created in house. We believe that this game was actually created by Steve Dunn, who also did the Blast game in … Continue reading →
Yet another Edge title. The game was advertised in magazines such as CVG in 1986, and was brought to GTW’s attention thanks to Lee Theasby who kindly provided the advert scan. The game was an adventure RPG which was in … Continue reading →
Hmmm…i’m not 100% sure about this one, but thanks to Romppainen we are able to highlight what seems to be a possible conversion of the impressive Midwinter game from the Amiga/ST. This was a strategy game developed by Mike Singleton … Continue reading →
Just a quick entry to add an early version of Microprose Soccer before it was released. What is so different you ask?…. Well, not a great deal in the actual game (apart from slight differences in the replay and other … Continue reading →
An interesting entry which was mentioned in Home Computer Weekly 1983 – By Anik Microsystems, a Northhampton based company. This was advertised as follows: "ea. cont 10 action games: Selection of standards (p-man etc) plus new amazing games." This was … Continue reading →
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