G.I. Hero
It was thought that this possibly may have been released as Combat Crazy, due to the fact that the game has a tune in it mean’t for G.I. Hero, and also G.I. Hero and Combat Crazy sound like two similar … Continue reading
Preserving Cancelled & Unreleased Video Game History Since 1999
Total results: 3563
It was thought that this possibly may have been released as Combat Crazy, due to the fact that the game has a tune in it mean’t for G.I. Hero, and also G.I. Hero and Combat Crazy sound like two similar … Continue reading
Right, something a little new and previously unseen by the makers of Creatures, Apex Productions. This is in fact a very very early preview of what eventually turned into “Creatures”. This was a test demo created to test some graphics … Continue reading
Elite is undoubtfully one of the masterpieces of space exploration games in the history of computing, and there isn’t really an enthusiast or game player above the age of 18 who hasn’t heard of the game. Nothing has really beaten … Continue reading
Future shock is a very early preview, containing a few detailed organic landscapes and nothing much else. The ship can move through objects and there are no other creatures to kill or find. The game was actually to be a … Continue reading
A very quick entry which was highlighted by Romppainen. Fusion was an average shooter produced by Bullfrog for Electronic Arts on the Amiga back in 1988. Nothing unusual there, but Romppainen highlights that the game was listed as being released … Continue reading
An educational game from Fisher Price this time, and one of a few titles which never got shipped by Roger Pedersen. We aren’t sure yet if he had any development time on the C64 version, or the Apple. Most of … Continue reading
Fruit Fight is an interesting entry which was to be an unofficial arcade conversion of Dingo (Ultimate Arcade) The game was quite a good copy according to Stephen Kellett (the game’s coder). The game was written for Gannon Designs who … Continue reading
A Rambo rip off which was found out about thanks to Jax, who started off at Zeppelin games as a young developer. CPCGames reviews (http://www.cpcgamereviews.com) describes the game as follows: "A squad of troops has been sent to infiltrate enemy … Continue reading
Another SEUCK title, from a different face this time called Ian Brown. Related to this game is Marc Walters who did the great Cronic The Badger game which resides in GTW. Frontier promised some of the best graphics and gameplay … Continue reading
Fox was a game being produced by Lucas Pope and Pete Gonzalez back in 1995-1996, and was to be a sort of cross between (obviously!) Fox Fights Back and Turrican (In terms of game style) and also includes a very … Continue reading
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