Along with Sword of Samurai, Devils of the Deep was to be yet another Fighting Fantasy game on the C64 from US Gold according to This game in particular was to be set in Atlantis and we presume would … Continue reading →
A rather exciting sounding game comes in the form of Destruction Bros. A rather ambitious project aimed for the Cartridge format, possibly under Thalamus (Who never released anything on cartridge in the end). The game was to feature effects not … Continue reading →
"Denizen is the ultimate combat experience!!! Denizen features hoards of rampaging, hostile alien life forms and mutations, amazingly detailed backdrops and fantastic gameplay." That was the description detailed inside a C64 game inlay when advertising other titles in the Players … Continue reading →
Another title which was the casulty of the Zzap Megatape article , “How to become a Megastar”. This was not a SEUCK game, but a two player Bi-plane game in similiar style to Combat from a side on view. There … Continue reading →
Every so often, the C64 scene will spring up a few surprises and quite often its when an ex-C64 programmer decides to unleash the contents of one of their work disks. Dux is a shining example of this, and is … Continue reading →
This neat little Uridium clone was brought to my attention by Hein Holt, which has been around for a number of years. This game is done by none other than Falco Paul, and is one of his earlier programming efforts, … Continue reading →
A curious and complex puzzler which involves unscrambling various famous structures of world famous works of art created by Dr Devious. In the game, you control JJ (JoJo) Maverick, the hero who must do the unscrambling. The game featured some … Continue reading →
A game which readers of Commodore Format will no doubt remember only too well. The C64 was dying, the games were drying up and EBES (Electric Boys Entertainment Software) were attempting to keep it all going. A big spread was … Continue reading →
A game in similiar mould to Scumball/IBall 2, with a similiar look and feel. This was developed in 1990, but was soon cancelled due to the developers feeling that this game could never do well, due to the dying C64 … Continue reading →
Cyclone Duel is another game which was originally planned by EBES when the C64 was dying out commercially around 1994 time. The game was mentioned in a note file from around 1995 where Russ talks about various games which EBES … Continue reading →
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