Mad Ninja

Yet another early preview of a late C64 title from 2014 that seems to have been chucked onto the project scrapheap. Mad Ninja seems to be the start of a single screen platformer, in the style of Blagger, where you … Continue reading
Preserving Cancelled & Unreleased Video Game History Since 1999
Total results: 3563
Yet another early preview of a late C64 title from 2014 that seems to have been chucked onto the project scrapheap. Mad Ninja seems to be the start of a single screen platformer, in the style of Blagger, where you … Continue reading
A quick entry for a very cool looking single screen car game, where you simply have to avoid each other for as long as you can whilst the game speeds up. This version was produced for a party back in … Continue reading
Our next entry in the archives is a simple puzzler from 1995 which is described by Gamebase as being a Mastermind style game. To be honest, I only quickly loaded the game up to get a feel for it and … Continue reading
A quick entry for a title that is nothing more than just a few intro screens and some ripped music from Myth. The Last War Brains doesn’t give too much away about the type of game it was to be … Continue reading
Case opened, and then closed! Completely missed that this game was fully complete and released last year. See Hedning’s comment below. Apologies about that, but great news that this game is in fact complete and ready to play! Case … Continue reading
No matter if we are long past the commercial days of the C64, there are still plenty of new games being produced today to make up for it. Sadly the loss of titles is still prevalent, with Jagged Sword being … Continue reading
2010 Zombie Studios Platforms: Microsoft Xbox 360, PC and Sony PlayStation 3 As part of the launch and release of The Games That Weren’t book, we are adding assets and content that didn’t make it to print as bonus DLC … Continue reading
If you hadn’t of guessed from the title, then FootMan is a Pac Man clone which was due for release around 1988/1989, and was a conversion of the Amiga game by Incognito. Although seeming to get quite far with some … Continue reading
Another title in the archives which was due out in the post-commercial era of the C64, with a simple RPG title in the shape of Eelona – The Warrior Princess. This seems to have been abandoned very early on, and … Continue reading
Not much too say about our next entry in the database, with what seems to be a very early and simple beat-em-up with some nice looking sprites. There isn’t much to do though apart from move the main character and … Continue reading
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