Welcome to Games That Weren't 64!
We cover Cancelled & Unreleased Video games for the Commodore 64 computer. A non-profit large archive dedicated to preserving lost games that were never released to the public, as well as prototypes and the odd preservation of released titles. Our aim to share history and stories from the developers, assets and more before it is too late. GTW has been preserving lost video game history since 1999.
Please Browse our archive and discover the many entries that we host and have saved over the years.
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GTW64 March 2022 update
How is it March already? Here is yet another GTW64 update for 2022 with a bunch of new entries, including 8 new entries to the archive, and a bunch of updates for 29 titles in all. Enjoy!
8 new entries added
Arrivo, Ball-Job, Blob, Brain Death, Cityfighter, Mat Mania, Operation Ironhawk, Paradroid V1
29 updates added
Adam Caveman, Aurum, Balls Of The Scrolling Thunder, Brain Blasters, Brainway – Find the Way or… Die!, Cyber Cop, Detective Takashi, In The Beginning, Karnov V1, Lifespan, Metal Warrior 4 V1, Mumbles – Superspy, Operation Mindcrime Xertyn-X, Phantasm and Fantasy, Populous, Razzmatazz, Rhyme Land, S.D.I, Scarabaeus 2, Space Ace, Spooky, Stargate Legacy, Starsat, Tears of Rage, Top-Hole Golf, Valentines Day, Weebles Adventures, Your Computer Software Exchange, Zombies, Undead Or Alive
Early screens Robocop, Predator, R-Type
A few quick early screens that have been spotted by Martin Inter recently, in particular for the C64 conversions of Robocop, Predator and R-Type in Zzap Italia.
Predator and R-Type are quite small oddities, but for Robocop, in the Zzap Italia review was a factory level with a very different looking background with different colours and also doors not present in the final game:
With Predator, there are some early screens with slightly different graphics and no score panel at all: Continue reading
Thank you!
Just a quick post to say thank you to the contributor today who passed on some information regarding some C64 titles. They didn’t leave a proper email/name for credit, so hence this post.
Most appreciated, and I’ll update the relevant pages + add new content sometime next week.
Platoon early differences (C64)
Platoon was a superb movie tie-in game from Ocean Software back in 1988 with some excellent varied levels that captured the essence of the movie.
Thanks to contributor Martin Inter, here are some slightly earlier Commodore 64 screens which show some differences to the final game.
Firstly we have a very different and early score panel for the tunnel section in the game, followed by another level that shows “Stamina” and “Bullets” as text instead of “Morale” and “Ammo” like in the final game. Continue reading
Thundercats early screens
Platforms: ZX Spectrum and Commodore 64
Over the years we have figured out at GTW64 about the connection between Thundercats and the unreleased Wolf by Gargoyle Games – as well as Bombjack 2 and Beyond the Ice Palace originally intended to be two follow on Thundercats games, which you can read about here and here.
The released game however continues to reveal more mysteries thanks to Martin Inter, who has highlighted that adverts for the game and the main inlay itself show scenes from the game that were not in the final version.
Above for instance are two scenes from the C64 edition showing a level not seemingly present in the final game, and also Lion-O in a stance not present either. Continue reading
GTW64 February 2022 update
Another month, and another GTW64 update with a bunch of new entries, including some new downloads for you to check out that haven’t been previously preserved as far as we can tell. These are Ladders 2, Ex Simultan and Maerzi 2 (all thanks to Csaba Virag). Also finally the Anirog version of Rhyme Land has been added! Hope you enjoy the update, and see you all in March!
7 new entries added
Enforce, Lifespan, Shoot Out, Top-Hole Golf, Ladders 2, Ex Simultan and Maerzi 2
13 updates added
Balla Balla, Charlie Chaplin, Heebie Jeebies, It’s Rory!, Joust, Knights of Legend Expansion Packs, Mattie Goes Mining, Ooops Up, Pulsator, Rockball, Rhyme Land, Spooky, The Magic Roundabout
GTW64 January 2022 update
A new year and a new update to the GTW64 archives, with the following new entries and updates – including a bizarre title that may or may not have existed called Vector Chickens.
5 new entries added
Alcatrax, Ironoid, Sight Attack, Tank Division, Vector Chickens
11 updates added
Bamboo, Deathstalker, Jet Boat Simulator, Miner Willy Meets The Taxman, Moses: Old Testament Adventure #1, Murder!, Myth 2: Dawn of Steel, Pirates of the Ocean, The 4th Dimension, The Soul Gem Of Martek, Winter Camp V1
GTW64 Xmas 2021 update
Thank you to everyone for their continued support to Games That Weren’t this past year, as we conclude with our yearly update (and larger than our usually monthly update). Plenty to digest and check out and hope you enjoy it!
Gyro Shoc released
A little Christmas present to you all, thanks to Sailor and Taper of Triad. This is a game based loosely on ideas from Dropzone and Wizball, and was developed by Chris Young.
This release and update is dedicated to our friend Jason Kelk, who passed away in June this year and who was originally going to tidy up the game for GTW to release.
GTW64 November 2021 update
A bit back to normality this month, with a lot more new unreleased game entries and updates in our penultimate GTW64 update before the end of 2021. We hope you enjoy it!
8 new entries added
Anna, Core, Gape, Pixie and Dixie, Popeye V1, The Lost World, Unknown SEU, Unnamed game
25 updates added
Allo Allo, Alvin and The Chipmunks, Bloid Bros, Chopperman, Clod Jumper, Commodore Juicer, Dimension X, Dungeons, Amethysts, Alchemists ‘n Everythin’, Force Of Four, Fungus 2, Future Bike Simulator V1, Hex-Bert, Huckleberry Hound in Hollywood Capers, Lethal 2, Lord Mc Sun, Paranoid Pete, People from Sirius, Qrazy Qber, Razzmatazz, Sooty And Sweep 2, Spy vs Spy III – Arctic Antics V1, Tears of Rage, Thomas The Tank Engine 2, Typhoon Thompson, Undead
Whole Brain Spelling preserved!
A quick post to highlight another C64 title preserved, thanks to the efforts of Allan Pinkerton, who has been slowly helping to recover a large number of unpreserved educational titles for the platform.
Today we see the release of Whole Brain Spelling – General Word List, which was an educational title from Sublogic.
We believe there may be others out there to preserve by the company, so we are adding a single entry in GTW64 to try and hunt for these. Here are the links for Whole Brain Spelling:
- Manual – Whole-Brain-Spelling_Manual_Sublogic-Corporation
- Disk and registration card – whole-brain-spelling-gwl_mhi
- Download – whole-brain-spelling-gwl_mhi